Dr. Dennis Sempebwa (L) shares a light moment with Vine Talks Show host Ronnie Habassa (R). COURTESY PHOTO.
Popular author and founder of the Minister’s Huddle Dr. Dennis Sempebwa says the crucial thing about being around positive minded individuals, who have a habit of chasing their dreams and believe in taking responsibility for their lives, is that you’ll be inclined to grow in a positive direction as well.
He revealed during an exclusive interview with Vine Talks – Uganda that embracing healthy relationships, plays a critical role in how Christians cope with challenges and achieve success in any area of their life.
“85% of the reasons we are promoted or succeed in any field is wholly dependent upon the way we deal with people,” he started.
“There’s no such thing as an inconsequential relationship. They’re all like elevators. Some take you up, but most take you down,” he added.
According to Dr. Sempebwa, it’s common for Christians to underestimate the importance of the company they keep, and yet ‘the right circle of influence will always challenge you and push you to be better.’
Dr. Sempebwa who doubles as the co-founder of legendary gospel group Limit-X urged that cultivating real life relationships with people who have already accomplished your goals helps you learn from the mistakes they’ve made along the way and the tricks and tips to enable you reach your goals faster.
The father of five children said it is okay to drop toxic friendships or spend less time with people that add no value to your life.
“Everybody we hook up with is taking us somewhere, either towards the man or woman we are supposed to be, or regressing us from that man or woman we’re supposed to be,” he said.
Dr. Sempebwa revealed that having the right life coach “saved me 10 years.”
“All successful people, they mind their circle. They care who’s around them,” he explained. “We need people that are going to help us walk through life to do what God’s called us to do. Solomon, in Proverbs 13: 20 says ‘he who walks with wise men will be wise, But the companion of fools will be destroyed.’ Paid said, “bad company corrupts.” (1 Corinthians 15:33).”
“We’re not designed in a way that we have all the time to live our lives, make mistakes, learn from them, implement the lessons, and then have time left over. So, we need coaches,” he said.
Dr Sempebwa however cautioned: “Not everybody who’s done more than you can coach you. Not everybody who is richer or more powerful than you can coach you. Some people don’t know how to coach. Some people don’t know how to transfer knowledge.”
On ways to easily identify the right people in life, Dr Sempebwa shared real-life experiences, relevant Scripture, and God-given insights, encouraging listeners to give themselves permission and time.
“Look for that person who has [conquered] the mountain you want to climb. It’s really important and I’ve done that in my marriage… Find someone who has gone where you want to go. Look for people who are not ‘pretty.’ Look for people who are willing to show you their scars,” he said.
“The loneliest people in the world are those who are in a intimate relationship, yet they’re disconnected,” he added.