What do you do when reading God’s Word becomes a challenge? When your spiritual life runs dry, and going to church is the last thing in your mind. What do you do when sin becomes more attractive? Temptations become more appealing?
Pastor Michael Kimuli, the vision bearer and senior pastor of Christian Discipleship Ministries International has offered advice to disillusioned Christians and also revealed how they can reignite faith and stay on fire for God.
In his message, Pastor Michael cautioned that one of the greatest challenge facing the church is deception, and therefore many are backsliding.
In the Christian life, there is no standing still. We are either progressing or regressing.
“God does not delight in backsliding and unfortunately, every one of us is capable of doing so. It is therefore our responsibility to watch out for and know the signs of backsliding,” he said in an update on 17 June.
Pastor Kimuli pointed out “spiritual shallowness” as one of the major hindrances to spiritual growth, urging that it occurs when one does not want to go deep in the Word and only depends on other people’s experiences.
“One who is shallow is easily deceived by the enemy like Demas in 2 Timothy 4:10. Let us therefore seek to be established in righteousness. (Isaiah 54:14)” he said
Pastor Kimuli urged that going deep in God helps one overcome evil foundations.
“Moses’ generation failed to make it to the Promised Land because they did not have a deep relationship with God. We therefore need a personal experience with God,” he said.
On the same subject, Pastor Micheal explained that Christians are declared righteous, and fully accepted by God, not on the basis of any righteousness in man, but only through faith in Jesus Christ.
“We should therefore be committed to God and fix our eyes only on Him. Let’s flee contamination always remembering that salvation is personal and in serving God there is no excuse,” he said.