Something is happening in Uganda and there is nothing anyone can do to stop it. Unstoppable, like a tornado or a tsunami; this is what Wilson Bugembe has revealed.
The Senior Pastor of Light the World Church Nansana while addressing his audience on social media this week said when you watch what happens during the 77 Days of Glory at Miracle Center Cathedral, or at his Church and around the country, it is God visiting Uganda.
“It’s like telling the farmers to stay home during harvest time, they can’t! Who brings these people to church, no adverts. God has sent the hunger. It’s like telling children; well, I know you are hungry but I won’t give you food.”
The award winning gospel music minister was warning government against blocking believers from Prayers.
“My advise is, let us wait and see. If its not from God, it will die a natural death, but if its from God, no one can stop it.” Pr Bugembe said, quickly adding, “But if its not God, then who is healing these people, who is causing sinners to repent?”
Addressing the same issue in an interview with UG Christian News on Sunday, Patrick Kayiwa, a youth Pastor, says no authority can stop what God is doing. No matter what move one makes, God trumps it, and His purposes move forward.
“Conflict and controversy will simply fuel the fire that spreads across the country. His hands are never tied. His message is never muted. No matter what opposition is thrown in its path, when the church of Jesus Christ is what it’s intended it to be, it is flat-out an unstoppable force for God.”