The other day, a friend spilled something on the carpet when he came to visit, so I went and found some stain remover. The directions said I needed to get to that spot as quickly as possible, and not to let it dry or soak in, but that I should put the solution on it immediately. In other words, the quicker I dealt with it, the easier it would be to remove.
It’s the same way in our lives. When God brings something to light, that’s when we need to take action.
Senior Pastor of Light the world Church Nansana Wilson Bugembe has shared a powerful message through his social media platform today, that does apply to what many of us go through everyday.
“You don’t have to wait for then. If Jesus is here,” He says, illustrating his sermon with John 11:21.
Certain times we need the miracle right away, but are hesitant asking from the throne of Grace. Right before we know it, hope of lost right before our own eyes. Does this mean that Jesus is not with us?
It could apply to weighty issues. “Lord, if you had been here, my mother would not have gotten so sick.” Or: “The accident would not have occurred.” Or: “I would have gotten a job.” Or: “I would have gotten married or had children.” Or: “My husband would not have left me.” Or: “I wouldn’t have had to struggle for so long with loneliness or loneliness or anxiety or sleeplessness or other such ailments of the soul.”
Pr Bugembe who doubles as a gospel singer and World Vision ambassador says that Christ Jesus is the resurrection, the ‘I am’ then and now. (Exodus 3:13–15)
He wrote: “Martha said, “if you came earlier, my brother wouldn’t have died.” In other words now it’s beyond your power. Jesus stinks! He said, “your brother will rise from the dead.” Martha replied, “I believe on the day of resurrection he will rise. Jesus said I am resurrection! I am the then!”
He urges that if we do not underestimate the value of the cross, our faith will be lifted to understand that once we ask from God through His son, it is possible now.
We do not offer our own works; we offer only His Blood. The devil understands the power of the Blood of Jesus, and he has done everything possible to blind Christians to this truth.
“I don’t understand why some people can stand a conversation about God but they get offended when the conversation is about Jesus! …Because He is the only one among the prophets who called Him self God – No wonder he fixed anything for any body. He said to a man “your sins are forgiven”. Among the Jews no one forgives sin a part from God. Jesus forgives sin! He raises the dead!” Bugembe stated.
Jesus is “I am”. The reason we should mention it is that most people live as if it were not true, or as if it were a truth that makes no difference in life.
Martha and Mary are not wrong. Jesus never rebukes them. We are free, in fact, to tell God what we long for in our heart
The desire for a miracle of right and good. God has drawn near to us in Jesus Christ. In John 8:56–58, Jesus answers the criticism of the Jewish leaders.