A lot is happening in Uganda today. The political arena and every single sector of the economy has countless unusual events transpiring. All this brought together, irrelevant sources that we have sought answers have successfully fed our mind with much more we can comprehend at once. As a result, many Ugandans carry with them an unusual weightiness.
All that aside, there’s always something majestic about the way God manifests in such times. The Worship Harvest music team is launching an album that reminds us that Christ Himself is the sovereign King, he was coronated in his resurrection and ascension, and he now reigns over every circumstance.
Dubbed “Our God Reign.” the team will be launching this album on August 4th, 5th and 6th at Worship Harvest Naalya.
“All shows are at 7pm and for UGX 30,000 only, you’ll get a copy of this 12-track CD and a ticket to the concert.” The team says.
Sharing his remarks about the album, Jeremy Byemanzi, an upcoming church and business leader who serves at Worship Harvest Church said, “When I heard the title track of the CD, a song titled ‘Our God Reigns’ written by Blessed Ivan Muhumuza. I immediately started getting ideas. The chorus of the song says ‘Our God reigns in this city, He reigns in the nations, He reigns in every home…’ So I started by asking myself a question; what does it look like for God to reign in Kampala?
The default answer was that everything would just fall in place, Jeremy Byemanzi reveals, there would be no corruption, no potholes, no traffic jams etc. Kampala would be a utopian city.
“Then, I asked myself another question; does it mean that God is not reigning in Kampala because many things are not yet perfect? That’s when it hit me that even with the imperfection that we face, God Reigns over Kampala. He is still God over Uganda and the whole world. He reigns over every business, every school, every leader. He reigns regardless of whether we recognize Him or not. This is what formed the basic concept for the CD cover.” Pr Jeremy adds.
“The album is called our God reigns because we are trying to give people to realise that God reigns in their lives, cities, homes….. but also to get them to think about what their spaces and lives would look like if God was actually Lord in their lives.” Team Leader of Worship Harvest music team leader told sources.