A day after maintaining her position as the Speaker of the 10th Parliament unopposed, Ms. Rebecca Kadaga went to her clan roots (Enkuni) at Nhenda hill, “to thank the spirits of her clan which helped her to retain that position,” as one keeper to the shrines later emphasized in a video with NBS
Photos have since emerged of Speaker Rebecca Kadaga receiving blessings from the then Pope Benedict when she visited the Vatican.
Further more, Monitor Sources have disclosed images of the Speaker in Mbulamuti, Kamuli District receiving Eucharist from Bishop Bamwoze last month.
These have all surfaced due to the irony that continues to surround her visit to Busoga shrine for thanksgiving on Saturday.
Ms Kadaga defended self against critics saying that those are her roots and that she had gone to inform her grandparents that she went through in Parliament; “I went through as the Speaker. That is all I had gone to inform them about,”
The prime minister of Ms Kadaga’s clan, Maj Nantamu told reporters that when members visit, it is up to them to do what they feel for as long as it does not desecrate the area.
“Others pray for blessings and others offer thanks. We never really listen in to what others say when they come to fulfill what is a known cultural norm,” he said.
Is what she did ancestral worship?
With all this on the table, Rt. Rev. Dr. David Zac Niringiye, says Hon Rebecca Kadaga is active in Church of Uganda, Busoga Diocese and All Saints Cathedral Kampala.
The retired Bishop took to social media asking if the Church Will arise to the matter and discipline her.
Ancestor worship involves religious beliefs and practices consisting of prayers and offerings to the spirits of dead relatives.
Ancestor worship is found in many cultures all across the world. Prayers and offerings are made because it’s believed the spirits of ancestors live on in the natural world and are thus able to influence the futures and fortunes of the living relatives.
Ancestors’ spirits are also thought to act as mediators between the living and the Creator.
The Bible tells us in Exodus 20:3-6 that we are not to worship any god other than the Lord God. Furthermore, since diviners and sorcerers were thought to be able to contact the dead, they were also expressly forbidden by God (Exodus 22:18; Leviticus 19:32, 20:6, 27; Deuteronomy 18:10-11; 1 Samuel 28:3; Jeremiah 27:9-10).