Many believers are frustrated because they ‘know’ what the Word says but they don’t experience the results they think they should. Many believe mentally but faith spings from the heart, not the head. (Rom. 10:10)
Understanding the subject of our authority in Christ will help us understand how faith works. We should be familiar with the story of the Centurion who came to Jesus and explained his understanding of authority.
The Centurion knew he had soldiers under him who would obey his every command. He knew that whatever he said would be instantly carried out. There was no doubt in his mind. He understood authority, and HIS FAITH SPRANG FROM HIS AUTHORITY! He had PERFECT FAITH in the realm of his authority. Even Jesus marveled at this man’s faith.
“Assuredly, I say to you, I have not found such great faith, not even in Israel!” (Mt. 8:8-10)
Our struggles with faith are really struggles with understanding our authority. What we ‘know’ to be true doctrinally does not always translate to true revelation in our hearts. We aren’t convinced of our authority over disease, especially if it is in our own bodies. We aren’t convinced of our authority over fear, lack or forces of destruction in the world. This lack of conviction paralyzes faith. We may say the right words based on our good doctrine, but the revelation of our authority isn’t settled in our hearts.
I can decide how I will paint my house. I have perfect faith to carry out my decisions. But I can’t paint your house without your authority to do so. I have authority over my dog and have no fear of its response, but I have no authority over your dog, so my faith to give commands to your dog relies on WHAT I SEE, NOT ON WHAT I BELIEVE! We base our faith on visual results when we don’t know our authority. Let me repeat this one more time: when we don’t know our authority in Christ, we are living by sight, not faith!
When dealing with sickness, our ‘faith’ often depends on the symptoms. If we ‘feel’ like we are getting better, we believe that we are getting better. It is hit and miss. But when you have a revelation of your authority over sickness, you know that the ‘soldiers under you’ are carrying out your commands. You have perfect faith.
Faith is knowing who and what is under your authority. Faith is not complicated when authority is established. Jesus referred to faith as a servant in Luke 17:6-9. When you have a revelation of your authority, you will speak and things will obey you. It is no big deal. When you are unsure of your authority, you will speak and ‘hope’ that something happens.
Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you. (Luke 10:19)
The writer is a Dean of Instuctors at Charis Bible College in Colorado. He reserves all rights to this publication.