It is no secret anymore that we are living in a day where many ministers of the gospel are suffering from mild to extreme levels of depression and our best response is to simply call it a mental problem. That comes as no surprise because we now follow the world, hook, line and sinker.
In fact, any deviation is confronted with accusations of being judgmental, legalistic, insensitive, cruel and old-fashioned. Pleasure is being pursued as the very purpose for becoming born again and “God wants me happy” has become the mantra of everyone who wants to disobey the revealed Word on the pages of scripture, because to them happiness is about having my way instead of doing whatever God says whether convenient or inconvenient. We now indulge the flesh in broad day light because this salvation thing is about being happy and Jesus loves you happy.
We design church services to make everybody happy even when Jesus is displeased. When is the last time we talked about the anointing of the Holy Spirit and listening to Him to lead the church? Well! That is old fashioned where research and studies are showing us how to build churches. What if God is not telling you to open another branch of the church? “God can’t say that when I have the formula of getting there,” we burst out. Covid-19? We are praying this mess gets over fast so we go back and build our churches afresh and make everybody happy again.
Marrieds now believe that being happy has everything to do with what you want and not what the word of God that inconveniences your flesh wants! They run to the preacher and preacher says, “God wants you happy”! Remember, the mantra? For fame and fortune we do anything but please Christ. We have built a bunch of believers that have no spine (character) but expect them to have hope! We believe the only way to give hope is not to offend people with the unpolished biblical truths. Hope, hope, we cry. Then, sudden destruction comes on us and we believe it is high time we called God to order lest our plans and years resolutions keep evaporating in thin air by His “uncoordinated behavior” in our midst! So full of us, we even impute sin to the one that owns our very breath.
This love for pleasure is the only reason we end up like the world itself – hopeless and depressed. If we love God, our eyes shall never be onto pleasing us but Him. Preachers, if you get tired of the show, you shall start living. But as long as you still want the appearance, you shall be addicted to pleasure and this shall leave you hopeless because pursuing pleasure does not increase but literally eats up everything called hope in you.
Cyrus Rod is a Pastor, Television show host and author. He is the founder of Cyrus Rod Ministries which includes Dominion Faith Church. He is the author of ‘Unlocking Marital Bliss,’ which seeks to unlock the door to marital bliss and satisfaction as God the creator of marriages ordained it to be.