We are living in a generation where mimicry is mistaken for ministry. Until we quit seeking human honor, all we have is unbelief which is the mother of mimicry not ministry.
Ministry is designed for you to lose self and not to protect it. It is all about God and seeking His honor at all costs. Intimacy with God brings clarification to your calling but when there is no intimacy, envy erupts and you can’t do ministry but mimicry.
Notice that in our day mimicry can achieve so much without God’s hand unlike ministry. Remember that no matter what you see around you, neither you nor your calling is insignificant because the King does not make insignificant calls.
Your ministry is great in His eyes because of your obedience to His will and not your relevance to the media or society; for there is no value in a flamboyant waiter who doesn’t understand your order. Jesus’ ministry was not great because He had fame but because He did what His father told Him to. To look down on your ministry is to look down on the one working in and through you.
Never be ashamed of the ministry that God has called you to do, but rather be ashamed of mimicry in whichever way it comes, because lives are destroyed in mimicry and only saved in ministry.
Cyrus Rod is a Pastor, Television show host and author. He is the founder of Cyrus Rod Ministries which includes Dominion Faith Church.