When you commit a sin, God’s justice demands that you pay for your sins. When you commit a crime, human justice demands that you pay for your crimes. Call it sin, call it crime, one thing in common is, they all demand restitution because they are both a violation of justice.
The root characteristic in sin and crime is that you have to pay for your sins in order to clear your conscience of the debt you owe for your violation of justice. It demands you pay.
The only difference between sin and crime is that Jesus has paid the debt that God’s justice demanded of sinners. With crime, the justice from the government demands that you pay and no one pays in your place unless mercy comes in. Every form of Justice expressed by governments, has its roots in the government of God who is faithful and just.
Whatever, governments on earth are doing, is simply imitating God’s system hence revealing God unknowingly to the world so that man is without excuse on that day. Justice is God’s character and only He owns justice. Governments are stewards of it so we represent God’s will and not the people’s will in everything.
Today, sinners must have faith in the one who paid their debts by taking their punishment to justify the demands of God’s Justice, so that their conscience may be free of the torment that comes from violating God’s justice. Trying to soothe your guilty consciences by rationalization, will not cure the guilt. Blaming others cannot do it either, because you end up blaming the very Justice that is demanding for your payments and you know beyond all doubt, you cannot pay enough.
Others will try to justify their sin by calling it different names to make it acceptable to everyone so their conscience stops the torment but that is what I call a pain killer. It just suspends the pain for a while but does not remove the cause of the pain and torment. Guilt on your conscience produces an identity crisis. Instead of repenting of your unbelief, you simply choose to become your own god, doing whatever seems right in your own eyes. You abandon what God reveals as right to you. Notice, you do not do what seems wrong but what seems right in your own eyes. “Your own eyes!” You are created to do what is right in His Own eyes not the way you see things (your own eyes).
“There’s a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.”
Proverbs 14:12.
Cyrus Rod is a Pastor, Television show host and author. He is the founder of Cyrus Rod Ministries which includes Dominion Faith Church located in Kampala.