Pr Cyrus Rod: We’ve turned the gospel into merchandise

Pr Cyrus Rod. At a time when the most popular phrase being spoken is “Happy New Year”, may we wake up to the fact that genuine happiness is...

Pr Cyrus Rod.

At a time when the most popular phrase being spoken is “Happy New Year”, may we wake up to the fact that genuine happiness is not something you can pursue but it is a byproduct of your yielding to the ways of God.

Happiness is not pursued but ensued. Many are now claiming to have visions for this year but in reality it is a pursuit of happiness.

How do I know am pursuing happiness and not having a vision? As long as you have no restraint that you can even ignore what the word of God says, then you don’t have a vision.

Real vision is about obedience to the Word of God more than doing “big” things for God.

Pursuit of happiness is the reason our churches are so messed up but, we ignorantly call it vision as we paste Christ on our pursuits and the ignorant fall for it as we equally fight with burning out.

Pressures are high to keep numbers. Is it because it’s a vision from God? No! Pursuit of our own happiness which is lack of vision.

We know no restraint at all. We’ve turned the gospel into merchandise in our pursuit of happiness that we falsely call vision. We can’t be retrained. We have embraced all shameful deeds and underhanded methods.

We trick people and distort the word of God. Instead of telling the truth before God. 2Cor 4:2. Why? We have selfish ambition but call it vision.

We have become result oriented instead of Obedience oriented and living the result stuff to God who calls us.

Now we can even manufacture results because they bring some happiness to us! Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keeps the law, happy is he.

By Pr Cyrus Rod.


Cyrus Geoffrey Rod resides in Kampala Uganda with his lovely wife Robi Rod and and together they are the founders and pastors of Cyrus Rod Ministries. He is the author of fast selling book titled ‘Unlocking Marital Bliss‘.

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