Kansanga Miracle Centre held a colorful thanksgiving service this week, remembering God’s faithfulness for the last 20+ years they “have committed to discipleship and spiritual growth of Christians through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”
The event, running under the theme “This Far” inspired by Psalms 136:1 and 1 Samuel 7:12 saw hundreds of Christians flock the Church as early as 3pm, with a band matching through Kansanga days earlier to sound an alarm of the celebration.
Well known music minister Levixone, Rev. Jerome A. Barber who is Senior Pastor of Sixth Mount Zion Baptist Temple, a strong growing congregation in Hampton, Virginia – USA were among the guests.
According to the Church senior Pastor, Isaac Kyobe Kiwewesi, who accepted Jesus Christ as his personal savior during a crusade organized by Pastor Robert Kayanja of Miracle Centre Ministries in 1986 at the old taxi park in Kampala – Uganda, the Ministry has grown over the years from a humble beginning of a temporary papyrus structure with only 500 members to a mega state of the art 8000 seater God’s Sanctuary with a membership of 5000 people.
Unlike in the past, the Church this year held a series of revival meetings dubbed “40DayGathering.”
“We’ve come this far by faith. We are thankful because God has kept us. He has given us faith that will not fail us,” Rev. Jerome A. Barber, who has been part of the Ministry for over 10 years, said in his remarks.
Through 1st Samuel 7:12, he spoke of all kinds of memorials that Christians have – significant days that they celebrate, noting that it is here that they ought to remember a God who keeps His promises and makes ways out of no way.
“Samuel tells us from the past the Ark had been removed from the people of God. It had gone for about 100 years. But in verses 1-2 we find the Ark moved closer to the people of God – and it was there for 20 years – 10 miles away but still [not within their possession]. But I want you to know that even while it was gone, God still remembered them and He remained with them,” he said.
“He could have left them, but still covered them. Samuel wanted them to remember that even in tough time, when it seems like things are just beyond your reach, there is a God who still stands with you,” he continued.
“When Joshua crossed over the Jordan river, they collected 12 stones and built an altar on the other side, to remember that God brought them through,” he said. “God has been with you through every trial, test, challenge, difficulty.”
He urged that the same God who started the journey the Ministry is on, “will carry them through… Because He is not just a God of my past, not just of the present, but a God of the future,” he said.
Pr Kiwewesi believes that Christians are called to win, and that there is no situation that is too big for God.
He says; your measure of God will determine the magnitude of what He can accomplish in you and you should never live a mediocre life because that does not reveal the glory of God.