14 years ago, Moses and Sarah Mukisa exchanged vows and promised to spend the rest of their lives together. The two were young, extremely ambition and excited, something that made Sarah feel like the luckiest girl in the world that day.
The couple describes their wedding as one of its kind, given the fact that their relatives ate and danced till sweat vividly dripped out through their jackets.
“The wedding ended and then the marriage started,” Mr Mukisa said in a video the couple shared with their online audience on Tuesday.
“We quickly found out that it [marriage] was different. We were fighting each other. Everyone had very high expectations from the other – Finding fault with one another – I was pointing out the wrong things he [Mukisa] was doing, him pointing out the wrong things I was doing – it was like no one was doing anything right.” Mrs Sarah Mukisa interjected.
“We did not take time to go through proper counselling, something I would not advice someone planing on getting married soon to do. Everyone was just committed to finding out what wrong the other person had.” Mr Mukisa added.
The couple says they quickly found themselves trapped in what they describe as a “bad marriage.”
“One morning I actually sat down and cried. I felt sad, trapped, terrible. I knew I had made a bad mistake getting married to her.” Mukisa said.
This downward trend in marriage gravely affected Sarah who was once cheerful and full of humor before her comrades. As the two questioned life, seeking mutual grounds upon which they could fuel their marriage, God amazingly spoke to them to start a Church.
“We started a Church – God spoke, and that is the worst of times to do something like that. We started a church in the midst of the very fractured relationship. Thinking back about this, If I knew what I know now, maybe I would not have done it.” Moses said, quickly adding they actually fought about this decision too.
“Not about the Church, but the fact that she was working else where, and giving a lot of time to that commitment than the ministry she served. We used not to seat next to each other actually – that is how bad it was.” Mukisa further narrated.
When they became church leaders, the couple says they found it hard to disclose their marriage struggles to everyone.
“What we didn’t know was that God would use that everything to bring about a redemptive change in our marriage.” Mukisa said.
3 months after starting the Church in 2006, Moses and Sarah were introduced to an Andrew Wommack evangelism course from which they found out that God’s love for them was not based on who they are or what they did right.
He loves us because He is love, Moses said.
“God did not treat us the way we were treating each other. He was not fault finding, He was all forgiving, loving and gracious. Just the realization of that, with time, without even seeing the counselor, the situation in our home started changing. All the tension started dissipating bit by bit as we went through the discipleship evangelism class.” Mukisa said.
I hadn’t realized, Sarah stated, that anything had changed till my husband asked,” have you realized we haven’t fought about anything in the last few days?” Which was so rare!
“Something has changed from the inside out. The fault finding has stopped..” Moses said.” We got to a place where we understood that it is all about the love that God has given us. That the whole point of marriage is letting that love flow through us. That is how change started coming about.” Mukisa said.
“We are still on the journey, it doesn’t mean we do not go through challenged, but with this knowledge that the lord loves us even when we are not lovely, it has helped is go through the challenges with grace, treating each other graciously.” Sarah said.