Everyday that goes by reminds me that God needs men who are willing to be sold out for the cause of Jesus Christ. In this present age, it is very easy to think that you are still standing yet totally drowned within the chaos, desires and fears of the world.
Being sold out dear friend means we’re completely surrendered to Him. Our time, dreams, values, relationships, possessions—everything about us belongs to God and is readily available for His purposes.
I know the reason many of us withdraw is because we’re afraid God will demand too much, and we’re afraid of the cost. We are afraid that we will miss the pleasures, maybe run broke and stop being ‘cool’. We are afraid that people will label us all sorts of names and trush us at our places of work. We are afraid that we will not meet the expectations of the one we stand for. We are afraid of being different but, different we are once we come to Christ (Romans 12:2).
Listen, Jesus is our righteousness, sanctification, and redemption (1 Corinthians 1:30). And now, He is calling us to the frontlines to combat the wicked forces working to push the Gospel out, take the next generation captive to deception and otherwise stall a great revival.
I believe the time to stand in the gap and make up the hedge is now. For many of us who have long stayed in the pews, the problem with trying to prove your love for God is that in trying to prove yours, you end up trying to earn His. Suddenly, your relationship with God becomes all about what you do, rather than what he has already done.
When you understand what He has done, you will get radical. There is no greater revelation I have perceived than that of God’s love for mankind. When you know this, you cannot help but desire to share this truth with millions.
I love the story of King Josiah. He became king of Judah at EIGHT years old (2 Chronicles 34:1) and was one of the best kings that nation ever had. Why? Because he went throughout the nation and tore down the idols and turned his people back to the one true God. He was sold out for God. For him, it was all or nothing.
“All or nothing” is a battle cry; one aimed at uniting and stirring up a generation that will give God our all or nothing at all. You do not have to be a mediocre. We are either in or out, hot or cold, against Him or for Him. There is no middle ground with God.
This is not about your Pastor, wife, husband, boss, best friend or mentor – this is about you and God. It is about your relationship with Him. At no point anywhere in the Bible does it tell us to limit our commitment to God. Everything and everyone points to a way of life that should be characterised by sold out. Totally, completely, utterly.
As Bible-believing Christians, we need to stand firm against such a dangerous and hell-bent philosophy and preach the only way of salvation, which is not a system or a religion, but the person of Jesus Christ.
We all have worries – financial, health, relationship related, education related and currently in the political sphere, the age limit bill has gutted the mind of many Ugandans. But here’s the thing, Intimacy with God precedes authority in God. Through the spirit of knowledge, we have come to know God’s purposes, provision and power.
Only God can change a heart. If you believe in prayer, you know just about what do whenever hate speech and mayhem surrounds the nation. God’s power, from the beginning, has demonstrated His complete Omnipotence in all areas of existence – politics too.
To the majority of people in the world, Jesus is an honored historical figure who was the founder of Christianity—but that is about as far as it goes. Many have no idea that his most wonderful life had an unsurpassed effect on the history and future of man – of Uganda.
Let’s not forget that God’s heart is filled with compassion toward us, and let’s give Him our everything in return. Jesus is worthy of our highest praise not only for what he did, but also for who He is, and what He is still doing. May we awaken to Christ for all He is.
Recently a sermons by renowned preacher, Dave Kinney reminded me of much I had almost forgotten. He reminded me that the dynamite found in the gospel of Christ is the only power that can heal a broken body and heal a broken spirit!
“The gospel is the only power that can clean up a prostitute and give her a new vision of herself. The gospel is the only power that can sober up a drunk and make him live for another Spirit! The gospel is the only power that can make an ex-drug pusher – push the gospel. The gospel is the only power that can make a pervert straight again.”
Let’s be faithful to take his Good News to many for the foundational purposes of a church must remain supreme – never be ashamed of the gospel – The ultimate truth – one which takes a long time for most of us to accept – is that the more ‘sold-out’ we are to God, the more He is able to do with us.
Once more a remnant of the house of Judah will take root below and bear fruit above. For out of Jerusalem will come a remnant, and out of Mount Zion a band of survivors. The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this – 2 Kings 19:30-31
By Evangelist Samuel Ballagadde.