Hundreds of Christians from House of Prayer Ministries International, Kikoni – Makerere where Aloysius Bugingo is lead Pastor on Monday flooded Nabweru Court as he appeared to defend himself on allegations of violating Christian’s freedom of worship by burning several versions of the Holy Bible.
Bugingo was last week served the sermons when Chief magistrate, Esther Nasambu ordered him to file his defense in 15 days.
Nasambu warned, should Bugingo fail to file his defense on or before the date, the plaintiffs; Kizza Aloysius Matovu and Evangelist Francisco Semugooma will proceed with the suit and judgment will be delivered in his absentia.
The rowdy crowd Pastor Bugingo turned up with on Monday disrupted court proceedings, which forced Ms Nasambu to halt the hearing for five minutes to allow Pastor Bugingo calm them down.
Blocked off by security officials, Bugingo supporters made victory chants holding out the bible as others spoke out in what seemed to be tongues.
The judge listened and, they also know we have no problem, Pr Bugingo said on leaving the court room.
“We are continuously going on record across the world advocating that we don’t need portions of God’s word because, half a dose is as bad as an over dose.” Pr Bugingo said. “We need a full dose of the word of God. Thank you so much Ugandans for standing on God’s side and making history. We are going to leave and our descendants will come. They need to read that we did not compromise.”
“I didn’t find hard time, my inner man was strong. I am happy that we have been able to do what we have done for our generation. God spoke in revelations 22: 18-19 knowing that they would remove from His word. Many have removed and others added what they want [to the word of God]. Others had defended those that have made these changes. I emphasize, it is those I shepherd that I have denied these bible portions.” He said.
Bugingo urged that those that are inconvenienced by what he teaches should stop watching and listening to him through channels Salt TV and Salt radio respectively.
“We do not have a printery, but let those listening to Salt TV and radio accept what we are saying. What we are showing them is the original word of God. We do not tell people to burn [bibles]. We tell them not to have such portions. Half a map cannot lead you to the kingdom of God.”Bugingo, whose church is in a 14-day first said.
“As of the constitution, Uganda allows the freedom of worship, let others worship as they please however our sector, we need the full bible.” He said.
“These men have been in the city long enough claiming to be men of God but, they are simply fleecing people. If you are a man of God, there is no other word you are supposed to quote but the bible. The Quran has only one version, it is only the bible that has multiple versions. They want us to call all of them bibles, which is not true. I asked them, “what do you call the bible, do you look at the cover alone or its content?” Bugingo added.
When plaintiff, Kizza Aloysius Matovu spoke with media, Bugingo supporters literally took the law into their own hands. Many sent out offensive words condemning Matovu for suing their pastor. Media reporters other than those from Salt TV and Radio were subjected to intense questioning as they sought audience with the pastor.
The case was adjourned till 29th August.
Mr Anthony Wameli Yeboah of Wameli and Company Advocates, the lawyer representing the plaintiffs said Bugingo was sued for allegedly setting ablaze Bibles, he [Bugingo] reportedly told his flock were tampered with and that some verses were omitted without explanation.
The plaintiffs want court to issue a permanent injunction, restraining Bugingo and his servants from further burning and destroying Bibles of several versions and making utterances, speeches, sermons or statements concerning the Holy Bible in a way that attacks, violets or insults their faith or religion.
“We have reliable information that the pastor has continued burning more Bibles every day.” Mr Wameli Yeboah is quoted to have said.
They also want court to award them damages at a rate of 25 percent from the date of judgment until payment is done and costs of the suit.