Pastor Brian Abaho (Courtesy Photo)
Pastor Brian Abaho has urged Church leaders in Uganda to consistently live out biblical principles, noting that this is one of the ways to stand up against false doctrine in the country.
Abaho, a pastor at Watoto Church, told those gathered at a Sunday prayer meeting that where Bible principles are no longer valued, it will affect how people live.
“The way you behave is so important in demonstrating that you are a messenger of the true gospel. Don’t be driven by anger and competition, but be compelled by the love of God to preach the gospel and to reach people,” he said.
“Let us be preachers of the truth of God’s word, with our words, and in the way we live. When we do this, I believe the preachers of the false gospel, those who are enabled by demon spirits, will be brought down in Jesus name, and the banner of the name of Jesus will be lifted high in the city of Kampala, and the nation of Uganda,” he added.
Currently, everyone is looking to politics to fix society, the pastor said transformation begins with surrendering to the Holy Spirit and allowing Him to work in you the fruit of the Spirit: “False teaching leads to false believing. What we believe affects how we live. In the end, when you believe false teaching and you begin to live by it, it will destroy you both spiritually and physically. Therefore, it matters what you believe,” he declared.
“What Paul was encouraging Timothy to preach is the true gospel. The Gospel about Jesus Christ, who came, died on the cross, who is sufficient for salvation and when we put our faith in Him, our lives are transformed,” Mr Abaho emphasized.
“We serve a God of order, and He wants order even when we meet,” he continued. “The message of the gospel of Jesus is at stake through the character of the messenger of the gospel. Your character matters. You may not stand on a pulpit as I do, but in your family, or your place of work, in your school, in your community, people are watching you. You might preach the gospel, but if you do not live out Godly character, you will hinder the preaching of the gospel. So it is important that you and I are men and women of Godly character submitted to the Holy Spirit and allowing Him. Why? When we do that we become the pillar of truth in our community.”
Pastor Brian Abaho explained that if the church is going to be the pillar of truth, then they that preach the gospel must be of Godly character.
He cautioned against preaching the wrong version of the grace of God and teaching prophecy not as the Word of God teaches it.
“In the city of Kampala, today, there is a battle for the true gospel to be preached. I wonder, are you among those who are preaching the true gospel? Are you among those who are preaching a false gospel? Anything preached that is not the gospel of Jesus Christ is a message that comes straight from the pit of hell. And it comes by the enabling of deceiving spirits and demons. This is something that we need to understand. Satan is behind the preaching of a false gospel,” he said.
“Do not be moved by the signs and the wonders that you see. Moses showed up in Pharaoh’s palace, threw down his stick and it became a snake. The very next second, Pharaohs magicians threw down their sticks and they became a snake as well. Do not be fooled by what you see,” he said.
Pastor Brian also explained to the congregation that true holiness starts when you commit your life to Jesus Christ and His blood washes away your sin: “And daily, the Holy Spirit is renewing you and teaching you how to live like Jesus Christ.”
“When it comes to the true gospel, it’s about your personal relationship with God; walking before God in all holiness, and all godliness, not as a performance, out of a deep reverence for God,” he said.
“You cannot tell that the line is crooked if you do not place it against a straight ruler. In the same way, you cannot know what is false if you do not compare it to the true gospel of Jesus Christ. The Bible talks about the believers in Antioch, it says as Paul preached the gospel they checked the scriptures,” he said.
Adding: “If people are going to really respect the message and the gospel that we preach, and our master and Savior, Jesus Christ, our lifestyle is going to help that process… Do you know when someone cannot find any corruption with the way you handle money, you are preaching the gospel?”