Watoto Ministries founder, Pastor Gary Skinner has while announcing the latest financial performance of Watoto Church revealed that ‘My Miracle Offering’ amounted to 2.5 billion Ugandan shillings in just one weekend.
This annual sacrificial giving campaign commenced October this year at all Watoto Church celebration points.
According to a statement issued recently by Watoto Church, ‘My Miracle Offering’ seeks to meet the ministry critical needs, as well as supporting God’s work among other churches.
“God is going to do some exciting things in the days that are ahead because we gave – we can expect God to open the windows of heaven and do something exceptional in our individual lives – in our city – in our country,” Remarked Pastor Gary on announcing the figures.
Pastor, Co-Founder and President of King of Kings Community Jerusalem, Israel Wayne Hilsden and wife, Ann revealed that their ministry received support from Watoto Church thought funds collected via ‘My Miracle Offering.’
Mr Wayne said part of this contribution was used to finance the Fellowship of Israel Related Ministries (FIRM) which “is a global fellowship of Biblically-grounded believers committed to cultivating Messiah-centered relationships that bless the inhabitants of Israel—Jews, Arabs and other community around the world.
The Rt. Rev. Stanley Ntagali, Archbishop of the Church of Uganda said they also received funding from Watoto Ministries. This money was, according to the Archbishop accorded to the construction of Church House. The Anglican Church budgeted Shs42.75b for the completion of the project.
Other churches and partner organisations that have benefited from the Miracle Offering include Christian Life Church in Burundi, Masaka Pentecostal Church and the Pentecostal Assemblies of God, Canada.
“Jesus lives through his local church and My Miracle Offering is not just about money. It’s about winning souls for Christ and caring for those who are lost and hurting in community,” remarked Edward Mwesigye, a Pastor at Watoto Church.
By Paul Dennis Wassawa.