Victoria Sibiya: The News Anchor using media to preach Christ in Uganda

Digital Pulpit: Meet the journalist and preacher impacting lives for Christ.

Courtesy Photos/Victoria Joy Sibiya.

By Our Reporter

Social media and television have become one of the best ways to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ not only in Uganda, but all across the globe. Reports show that one can reach a much wider audience than they could ever hope to get through traditional methods.

Victoria Joy Sibiya, a News Anchor and radio show host working with Next Media Services, is one of many Christians in the marketplace using her social media platforms for good.

Her accounts, especially Tiktok are flooded with bible-based devotionals, prayers, sermons and captivating messages for her followers.

In most of her videos, Victoria who is an ordained pastor, can be seen explaining Bible verses shortly before or after anchoring News on NBS Television or hosting a show on Next Radio 106.1 FM.

“I want you to know something, if God put you in the room, you belong (there). He has equipped you for it. You are the right person for it. You have everything you need to succeed. So, start behaving like God put you there,” Victoria says one of her Tiktok videos.

Victoria’s consistent use of social media to preach the Word of God has drawn many thirsty souls to her fountain of inspiration.

Victoria Sibiya preaching to youth at Miracle Centre Cathedral, Rubaga, Kampala in 2023. Courtesy photo.

Originally hailing from South Africa, sources indicate that Victoria had done several missionary activities in Uganda for over 2 years, starting 2018. She then left the country.

“It’s funny how life works sometimes, isn’t it? Initially, I had set out to embark on a new ministry journey in a different country with different people. I longed for God to bring about a transformative change in my life and elevate me to the next level, so I packed my bags and returned to my home country, South Africa, with no intention of coming back. Little did I know that within just two months, God would call me back to Uganda! (Yes, I must admit, I struggled with that decision.)” she wrote on Facebook.

“As I returned to Uganda, I found myself facing various challenges that tested me in ways I hadn’t anticipated. What I was doing now seemed completely different from the vision I had painted for myself. Looking back, I remembered a vivid vision I had received from God, revealing that I would indeed return and continue my career in the Media Industry,” she wrote.

Adding: “Now, in this moment, I am overflowing with gratitude towards the Lord. He stretched me beyond my comfort zone, matured me in ways I never thought possible. His blessings upon my life have been indescribable, far beyond what words could capture.”

Born into a family deeply rooted in the church, Victoria’s lineage of faith and service shaped her character from an early age. Since settling in Uganda, she has preached the gospel across the east, north, and west regions, touching the lives of countless people. Her impact in the media space has also accelerated within a short period of time.

Victoria believes it is important for Christians in the work space to “attempt great things for God.”

“Don’t be comfortable with average. Set out to achieve at the highest level possible, at your job, in your business, ministry, YouTube, podcast, or even your social media.. do it as though it’s the only thing God has asked you to do! Do it well, do it exceptionally,” she wrote on Facebook.

Courtesy Photo/Victoria Sibiya

Work at Next Media Services

Driven by a divine mandate, Victoria heeded God’s call to influence the media space in East Africa. This led her to Next Radio. As a show host (Morning Switch) and news anchor for Next Radio, Victoria exudes her passion and purpose through the airwaves. She’s also the sustainability business manager at Next Media. Not stopping there, she also hosts over two TV shows on NBS Television including the NBS Breakfast Meeting.

Further more, Victoria uses her writing skills to advocate for teenage girls, shedding light on issues such as teenage pregnancy and education through her opinion pieces for Nile Post.

Victoria Sibiya’s story is an inspiration to all who aspire to make a difference in the world, one step of faith at a time.

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