LONDON — American evangelical leaders have praised Britain’s recent decision to leave the EU.
Britain voted to leave the European Union, a historic decision sure to reshape the nation’s place in the world and rock political establishments throughout the West.
Not long after the vote tally was completed, Prime Minister David Cameron, who led the campaign to remain in the bloc, appeared and announced that he planned to step down by October, saying the country deserved a leader committed to carrying out the will of the people.
The stunning turn of events was accompanied by a plunge in the financial markets, with the value of the British pound and stock prices plummeting.
According to ChristianToday.com, evangelist Franklin Graham was one of the Christian leaders who praised the decision.
Graham echoed the words of former London mayor Boris Johnson, a leader of the “Leave” movement, calling Britain’s decision “historic” and a “glorious opportunity” for Britain.
In a Facebook post, Graham called for prayer in the wake of the vote:
“We don’t know what the #EUReferendum vote means long-term, but I know that this is at least a temporary setback for the politicians in this country and around the world who want a one-world government and a one-world currency. The Bible speaks that one day this will take place. Join me in praying for all of those impacted and that Europe’s leaders, as well as our leaders in the United States, will look to Almighty God for wisdom and discernment in these trying and complex times in which we live.”
Jerry Johnson, the president of National Religious Broadcasters, also praised Britain’s decision. Johnson commented on the secular nature of the EU and how Britain, like America, was founded on Judeo-Christian principles:
“The E.U. constitution is completely void of any reference to God – it is entirely secular. The British government and culture are actually based upon Judeo-Christian principles.” Jerry Johnson said