By Muwulya Moses
In fulfillment of its mandate to curb the spread of the dreaded virus, Uganda AIDS Commission has reminded Ugandans to celebrate Christmas responsibly by ensuring that they don’t engage in reckless sexual behavior.
In a document dated 20 December, titled “HIV prevention tips during this festive season. Stay safe, stay alive,” Dr Nelson Musoba, the acting director general for Uganda AIDS Commission noted that Christmas tends to be characterized by excitement, irresponsible alcohol consumption after which people ending up making irrational decisions.
“Its worrisome to note that those celebrating may engage in unprotected sex with someone whose HIV status they don’t know and other negative activities can lead to the spread of HIV,” Reads the document in parts.
Adding: “The general public is reminded that in sharing gifts among our loved ones, we should not share HIV, but instead demonstrate our love by avoiding risky sexual behavior.”
He noted that safe sex is not about just protecting oneself but also about protecting those we love.
The Aids commission message comes at a point where there is a growing dismay among religious leaders over the largely unholly celebration of Christmas by the Christians, which has often distorted, mocked, or misrepresented the meaning of Christmas, which is said to be the spirit of giving, forgiving and uniting with the loved ones – and above all thinking about why Jesus is born.
According to religious leaders, the giving of the Son of God who became the baby of the cradle, that He might become the man of the cross and one day reign on earth with the crown is forgotten, rejected, or ignored as scenes of people drinking to death, police cells get full with many being arrested for engaging in crime and more anti-Christ behaviors shade the day.