Upcoming gathering seeks to call attention to a believer’s birthright in Christ

There is an inheritance waiting for you who are followers of Jesus.

Ap Tk Osborn (R), the founder of Liberty Proclaimers International Ministries, located along Luwafu road in Makindye, is set to host Pastor Ben Ochola (L), during ‘The Kings Gathering’, set for 2-4 August 2024 (2:00pm-8:30pm), running under the theme ‘Understanding The Birthright (John 1:12-13).’

By Our Reporter

Liberty Proclaimers International Ministries has announced its doors will open on 2-4 August 2024, for what is set to be one of the most impactful Christian gatherings.

The ministry will use the occasion to deliver a message packed with revelation knowledge and practical wisdom for living that will help believers to develop and understand their birthright in Christ.

In a statement sent to Ug Christian News, Liberty Proclaimers International Ministries confirmed that they will host among others renown Bible teacher and Pastor Ben Ochola, the founder of Make Jesus Famous Global Tabernacle.

“The vision of the conference is to awaken the body of Christ into the realm of dominion,(Genesis:1:26) to make believers understand that Jesus Christ did not only die to save us from sin and take us to heaven, but His death made us also Kings and Priests to reign on earth in all the 7 mountains of influence,” the statement reads.

Quoting Romans 8:16-17, Ap Tk Osborn, the founder of Liberty Proclaimers International Ministries explained that his desire is that the body of Christ will fully understand and enjoy the benefits available to them in Jesus Christ.

The scripture reads:

“The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: and if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.”

Liberty Proclaimers International Ministries is located along Luwafu road in Makindye division, Kampala.

Ap Tk Osborn had a personal encounter with our Lord Jesus Christ 13 years ago during which he was called into ministry. He started Liberty Proclaimers church in Makindye on 2nd October 2022.

He is a family man, married to Hamion Osborn, with 3 biological Children and many more. He is the CEO of GrainHope Ug, an organisation that is committed to help single mothers, and abandoned children.

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