Pastor Umar Mulinde of Gospel Life Church, Namasuba in the central district of Kampala, has urged fellow Born-again Pastors not to divert from preaching the true Gospel of Jesus Christ as society has become so secularized today.
According to the Christian convert from Islam, the gospel gets watered down because some preachers want to be popular, gain approval and some, for pride or money, want to draw congregants to themselves.
Pastor Mulinde said growth in numbers is to some seen not just as a measure of success but as a justification for any methodology used to get them.
“Jesus brought the gospel of truth. We should desist from turning to the prosperity gospel for selfish reasons that include generating personal wealth. There is no blessing in the prosperity gospel. Let us teach our congregation how to work and avoid walking in craftiness. God can bless us even if we do not manipulate and deceive the congregation,” he explained, addressing his online audience recently.
“The gospel of ‘hyper grace’ which removes bible-based responsibilities to respond to God is very false. It is true we were saved by grace, and not by works, but upon receiving salvation, God urges us to live in holiness, walk in truth and righteousness. God urges us to work out our own salvation and to do it with fear and trembling,” the preacher said.
He urged that Church leaders must condemn division in Church and preach unity.
“We have to fast and pray. We have to repent as the Word of the Lord says. Let us depart from the gospel of those that are humanistic. Let us preach the gospel of salvation and not look at just having big numbers in church, yet they don’t know God,” Pastor Mulinde said.