Henry Katumba Tamale, the consecrated Bishop of West Buganda used his sermon to rebuke some believers alleged to have stolen meat he had prepared for special guests on Christmas day.
According to sources, embarrassment filled hundreds who had turned up for Christmas prayers in St Paul’s Cathedral at Kako in Masaka when the Bishop revealed that little was left of the meat from two goats that had been slaughtered.
“The people who were assigned to prepare the day’s meal stole the raw meat.” The Bishop said during his sermon, emphasizing that this was an act of dishonesty and untrustworthiness by Christians.
Later in his sermon, the Bishop revealed that the “thieves” had been captured by CCTV cameras installed at his residence, a statement that sent the congregation into silence and murmur.
“All those involved has the obligation to come to me and repent of this wrong doing and negotiate on how I can delete the video, otherwise ,I will keep your embarrassing video,” he noted, as source reports.
Ugandans Respond.
The bishop must know that those who slaughter the animal get rewarded with parts of the animal. In my village we call it (enyama eyababagyi). Am not sure which culture the man of the cloth is from.
You do not expect the same weight after slaughter. It’s always 10-15% less. The bishop needs to repent. Why did he look in the pot? This is his wife’s department, says Alice Ruhindi
It would be better if the diocese had organised at least a half kilo for those who cant afford than preparing it for special people,in church we don’t have special people, says Asanair Daniel Promise
How can there be special guests at the Cathedral? All Christians are special guests to both God and his agent the bishop. I would like to congratulate those Christians who shared the special meat on behalf of Jesus of Nazareth, says Muganga Fred
Sometimes people become so immature when handling food issues. If people took meat meant for guests home, then the bishop may have felt a pinch.non the less, the word stealing is not so good in this matter from a Bishop, says Ekwang George Wilberforce