President Trump’s remarks about African countries and Haiti last week drew condemnation from a group of African ambassadors to the United Nations who called them “outrageous, racist and xenophobic” and demanded a retraction and apology.
The president criticised immigration to his country from El Salvador, Haiti and the African continent, by calling the group “shithole countries”, according to the US media.
“Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?” Trump asked at a meeting with congress members at the White House, reports said on Thursday, citing people with knowledge on the conversation.
Trump suggested the US should instead focus its immigrant entry policy on countries such as Norway.
According to USA Today, Trump later seemed to deny using vulgar words but acknowledged on Twitter that he used “tough” language during White House negotiations with lawmakers on an immigration bill.
Pastor Cyrus Geoffrey Rod, founder of Dominion Faith Church – Ntinda has reacted to the development saying Africa should not be offended by Trump’s comment for the “truth is brutal, severe and demanding.”
Full Statement:
If Jesus had lived on earth in our day, He would have been called a racist, bigot, misogynist, insensitive etc. For example, remember when He responded to this foreign woman who was crying for help for her demon possessed daughter; “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs.” Matthew 15:26.
Please understand that in these words, Jesus sinned not and He was being honest to this gentile (foreign) lady. I have always said Truth is brutal, severe and demanding.
This foreign woman never took offense but persisted in her faith and in the end she Got what she wanted from Christ and Christ recommended her faith as great. He called the Pharisees, white-washed tombs, clean on the outside but full of dead men’s bones on the inside. He called them out for what they were and did.
I hear most Africans have taken offense at President Trump calling out our continent using a word that means “an extremely dirty, shabby, or otherwise unpleasant place.”
The media has spinned that into our faces and majority are swallowing it hook, line and sinker. I disagree with the spin. Here is why? Let us assume President Trump called African countries by that name. Now many scream like the media wants them to scream, “Racist!” “Pathetic”.
God created Africa and saw that it was good. It is a beautiful continent with beautiful vegetation,crops and enriched with minerals and many raw materials but we are spoiling this continent day by day because of our greed.
First of all ages ago, we sold our own brothers and conspired with some wicked people in exchange for personal interests. We continue hating ourselves and literally destroying this beautiful land God gave us and turning it into nothing but “an extremely dirty, shabby, or otherwise unpleasant place”.
We have killed each other in civil wars because of our greed. We live in luxury that makes our brothers on the other continents wonder, because our own people are dying in serious poverty and disease but we care less. Now we scream that President Trump called African countries what? In Zimbabwe a nine-year old girl was raped on her way to school by a man who infected her with HIV. The police initially arrested her attacker, but then released him in secret. The reason: he paid a bribe. And you are protesting that President Trump called African countries what?
Nearly 75 million people in Sub-Saharan Africa are estimated to have paid a bribe in 2014 – some to escape punishment by the police or courts, but many forced to pay to get access to the basic services that they desperately need. And you protest that President Trump called African countries what? Are the tens of thousands who die in the Mediterranean sea trying to cross from Africa to Europe, running from Paradise?
Why all this hypocrisy as Africans? May be we needed Trump to call us out for what we have turned this continent into. We have become so lazy because we think our brothers with a different color owe us something and when they call us out, we cry out, “Racism”, in protest. In fact we have used this word that it has lost the real meaning. We believe we are entitled to some words because of our skin color and no other person without our skin color must use them or they are being “racist”. Now, who is playing racism here?
We have abused this beautiful continent God gave us and we hate being called out for what we have made it! It is time we face the truth about what we have made and continue to make of this beautiful continent instead of keeping up appearances.
We cried for independence, only to turn around and enslave ourselves. It is not what Trump allegedly called our continent but what we have made this place to be. We are the human race no matter the skin colors. We cannot keep on justifying the evils we commit against one another but condemn the same when a person of a different skin color does the same against us. Let’s build Africa for the glory of God.