Christian author, evangelist and soldier in the UPDF, Ivan Aggrey Kajuba is giving God the Glory after surviving a terrible accident that left his car completely wrecked beyond repair.
In a brief statement Friday, Kajuba explained that his car flipped three times but he got through the ordeal.
“God has saved me from an accident. My vehicle somersaulted three times. Thank you Jesus,” he said.
Kajuba who is also a member of Military Christian Fellowship – Uganda, did not reveal how and where the accident took place, and efforts by this website to reach him were futile by press time.
Ivan attained a Bachelor of Science in horticulture before joining the Ugandan army. He then attended a ministry science course. Later, as he discovered his call to ministry, he pursued a Diploma in Bible Ministry. Today, he is a Christian Conference Speaker who ministers in the Ugandan Military Christian Fellowship as well as to many congregations, both in uganda, and abroad, physically and through the media.
Ivan has served the Lord since 1998.
In his book on spiritual warfare principles drawn from his experience as a soldier in the Ugandan army labeled ‘The frontline.’, Ivan urges Church ministers not to limit God’s work to the pulpit saying “it goes far beyond.”
“In Uganda, I have seen churches split as a result of struggle to preach on the pulpit, yet there are many other ministries we can do,” he says.
“We have seen God using His servants to glorify Him at their work place. For example, Joseph in Egypt ministered through his work and as a result his ministry sustained his family for 400 years,” he says.
Mr Kajuba says it is sad when Christians think that careers are a worldly thing.
“Work is a godly ministry as long as it is done for the glory of God. Actually, we spend more time at our work places than any other place,” he writes. “In these last days, God is raising Daniels and Josephs at the workplace. Consider your job, your business and your home as your duty station where God has deployed you,” he says. “There are different ministries but one body.”