Pastor Allan Emmanuel Bukuru was saved, and gladly dedicated his life to Christian service. (Courtesy Photo.)
While many remember Pastor Allan Emmanuel Bukuru for delivering exceptional teaching on various topics of Christianity, perhaps no revelation has attracted more attention—and thus, has been more integral to the shifting of the landscape of the body of Christ, most especially in western Uganda —as his message on the all sufficient Christ.
As some of you may already know, Pastor Allan Bukuru went home to be with the Lord Last week. From a humble beginning, it is worth noting that the preacher and father was a key figure when it came to heralding the Gospel of the Kingdom right from the 90’s.
In this respect, Pastor Allan Bukuru, served as one of the pioneers of Pentecostal churches in western Uganda.
Allan’s theme was simple “Jesus Satisfies”, said long time friend Andrew A. Izaara as he paid tribute to the preacher on 16 June through a blog post.
As a student, Andrew met Pastor Allan during one annual regional Scripture Union Conference that was happening at his school in April 1995.
A preacher with a testimony
“He told how he was born with a congenital heart disorder that should have killed him before his teenage. He told me how Jesus had healed him of it at a mere request. A request Allan had made between gasping breaths.
“How his heart was so spoiled every heart beat nearly threw him off the bed. It was a violent illness. He was in pain. At the end of that prayer, Suddenly, his heart stopped its violent painful jerking. He thought he had died finally. No he hadn’t. He had been healed.
There he was. Talking to us, normal as anything. He said, this Jesus was available in the room to do two things.
Jesus was there to prove that Allan’s testimony was true and He would heal anyone with an ailment if they dared ask as Allan had
But more importantly Jesus was there to give sinners eternal life, forgiveness from sins and salvation from eternal damnation,” Andrew narrated.
Pastor Allan’s messages opened eyes and ears to the “more” of God that was available here and now.
For many believers that attended his gospel meetings, whether in churches, schools or co-operate ceremonies, he was an evangelical voice, summoning the church to lift up its eyes, and start embracing its heavenly inheritance.
Hailing from Nyabushozi, Kiruhura district, Allan first led ministry at Mbarara Pentecostal church (MPC) and later Vine Ministries in Mbarara still.
‘He loved the Lord to bits’
Kimuli Kenneth, better known as Pablo, a well known Christian entertainer in Uganda believes the story of Allan is one of the Lord taking a willing vessel, a nobody in the eyes of the people of that time, and birthing a ministry that would touch multitudes in western Uganda.
“The Pentecostal movement wasn’t a big deal in the 90’s in Mbarara until Pastor Allan Bukuru started Mbarara Pentecostal church (MPC).
“Oh boy! The preacher was funky, the music upbeat, and the sermon was relatable. We trekked from Mbarara High school to town every Sunday to listen to the maverick man of God.
“Pastor Allan loved the Lord to bits. You could tell from the passion, and energy he used when delivering the word. Sometimes he would shed a tear while ministering.
“The devil wasn’t sleeping. The tabloids wrote crazy stuff about the church claiming it was a cult of sorts. Little did they know that this would attract human traffic to the church.
“God’s grace was sufficient that a former cinema was turned into MPC.
Young people gave their lives to Christ, and the church grew in leaps and bounds. The rest is history.
“The last time I met him he had suffered a stroke of sorts but was thoroughly sold out to Christ and shared the word with me. No weapon formed against him was going derail him from the word of God,” Pablo said.
‘A legend who has left a legacy’
I have not met many pastors who do actual pastoring, Susanne Anique who know Pastor Allan says; he was a rare gem.
“I will always remember how you took me into your heart while I lived in Mbarara. I was too much of a Kampala girl to spend weekends upcountry, so I missed Sunday services, but that didn’t bother you. You were not looking at the statistics , but at the hearts . You welcomed me during the week and you took the time to listen to pray and to prophesy.
“I remember when I had to stay and work over Christmas. You invited me to your home for lunch on Christmas day. I didn’t know what to expect. I certainly didn’t expect to find you feeding and entertaining about 40 teenagers, who would rather spend their holiday with you than with their biological families. There are all kinds of family, what you built in Mbarara was a special kind of community bond.
“Your heart was big, your doors were always open, your faith was pure, your ministry was fruitful. you have gone ahead of us. You are a legend who has left a legacy,” she said.
Tooro crown Prince David George Kijjanangoma Araali is among Uganda’s prominent leaders who paid tribute to Pastor Allan. The late pastor was also a nephew of General Henry Tumukunde.
Official Program for the burial of Pastor Allan Bukuru
Pastor Allan’s remains will be moved 20 June, 2019 to Kazo at 4pm for a night vigil at the family residence 20kms from Kiruhura District Headquarters along Kaguta Road.
Burial is scheduled for Friday 21, June starting at 12pm.