Many years have passed since the father to my children passed on. We have found our way in this world without a man—a human man—to lead our home. While our lives are not perfect and certainly not without struggles, we have found a way to thrive in the face of daunting obstacles.
We have chosen to look to the heavenly Father to bind up our wounds and heal our broken hearts. We have found that He is a far better provider than any human could ever be. And we have learned the joy of being completely dependent on Him.
You may be wondering how you will make it through life without an earthly father. You may be wondering who will teach you all those things a dad is supposed to teach you. You, my precious angel, may be wondering who will walk you down the aisle and give you away on your wedding day. You, my sons, may be wondering who to model your life after as you cross into manhood.
God is enough. He is more than enough. He can give you, my boys, the heart of a warrior. He can teach you to be a great husband and a father. He can make your life so rich, so full that you never have to doubt who you are…whose you are.
He is your provider. He is your friend. He is your comforter. He is your teacher. He is your completer. He is your mentor, your counselor, your guide in this life.
He will lead you into your future, give you a life far greater than you could ever ask hope or imagine. He will never leave you nor forsake you. He is your Great I Am…exactly what you need, exactly when you need it.
Never doubt that He sees you, your pain, and that He hears your prayers. He is everything you could ever need…and so much more.
“I will never fail you. I will never abandon you.” Hebrews 13:5
I know that Father’s Day is going to be painful this weekend…and every year for the rest of your life. Just remember that you are not alone. God has been with us every painful step of this journey, and He’s not about to leave us now.
Contribution by Dena Johnson. She is a pastor’s wife who by the grace of God continues to raise three children.