For many Christians today, one of the hardest challenges in life is waiting on God when they urgently need Him to intervene in a circumstance that they feel is testing their faith, and robbing them of peace and joy.
As a result, the vast majority have opted for shortcuts in a bid to avoid the choice of surrendering their lives to the Lord through prayer.
Pastor Ben Ochola whose sermons are often centered on the Holy Spirit, revealed on Monday that as one waits on God and spends more time with Him, “there is an exchange that takes place in His presence.”
“While natural strength and energy gets depleted causing them that depend on it to become weary and tired hence slowing down to the point of stumbling , divine strength never gets worn out causing them that depend on it to carry on without slowing down besides being infused with flight energy and ability,” he said.
The preacher urged that spending time in the presence of God is actually saving time and not wasting it.
“In the wait, what is of God is infused or transferred to the waiter and he or she begins to function like God. It’s this supernatural dimension that makes you to buy back lost time and also bringing divine speed to whatever you are engaged in,” he said.
Citing Ecclesiastes 9:11, Pastor Ochola taught that God will create opportunities and grant favor that matches it for the ones who wait for Him, and that this will bring about “unusual results.”
“He [God] lives outside time therefore He controls time. In other words, He can choose to do in one day what would take 1000 yrs,” he said, quoting 2 Peter 3:8.
The passage reads:
“But you must not forget this one thing, dear friends: A day is like a thousand years to the Lord, and a thousand years is like a day.”
The transformation of water into wine at the Wedding at Cana is the first miracle attributed to Jesus in the Gospel of John. In the Gospel account, Jesus, his mother and his disciples are invited to a wedding, and when the wine runs out, Jesus delivers a sign of his glory by turning water into wine (John 2:1-11).
Pastor Ochola explained: “Jesus cut short the process of wine making to just a moment. That’s what happens when the realm of God invades a man’s life. Time is cut short and what should have taken months or probably years was ready in minutes. Don’t underestimate the ability of the Holy Spirit.”
Pastor Ochola recalled an interview in which the late evangelist Billy Graham was asked what he would do differently if he was to start all over again. His reply was, “I would spend more time in prayer.”
Notably, he continued, it is written of Martin Luther the great reformist that one day he said, “ I have too much to do today that I will spend the first three hours in prayer.”
“Wait I say wait on God, it’s the best time investment and move at His instructions. Create time and spend it in His presence without interruption. Daniel a prime minister in Babylon, the greatest world empire then with all his busy schedules had time to pray three times a day. Is it a wonder that he had such an outstanding output in his work and became the envy of his colleagues?” Pastor Ochola remarked.