Dr Joseph Serwadda has admonished Church leaders and Christians across the country to adhere to the guidelines provided by the Government and the Ministry of Health to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus.
“We kindly ask that we all Balokole comply with the advisory to please stay at home, continue to pray, share love, generosity and safely care for the vulnerable in your community,” Dr Serwadda who is the presiding Apostle of the Born Again faith in Uganda said.
Dr Serwadda stated that he is fully aware “this is a very difficult time, with significant and ongoing change that will prompt further questions.”
“The Lord has all the answers. In Him, we will overcome,” he said.
In his statement, which Dream TV Uganda made public on 29 March, Dr Serwadda further encouraged believers to exercise strict adherence to common hygiene of hand washing and spraying at every turn.
“We also must observe the “social distancing” of at least a metre from each other. These measures are for our own good,” he said.
Health officials in Uganda confirmed 3 new cases of COVID-19 on Sunday 29 March 2020. This brought the total number of those tested positive since the pandemic broke out in the country to 33.
Speaking out on strict quarantine measures, Dr Serwadda said the Church in Uganda “should copy big brother, Israel.”
“Quarantine periods are usually temporary, regardless of time, dispensation or period,” he said.
“You as God’s called-out ones must realize that to isolate oneself because of a sore boil, a nasal discharge or something potentially communicable does not carry shame or stigma but is an act of outgoing love. COVID-19 should not be a reason to feel angry with yourself, if you catch it, nor a shame if you are the reason someone caught it,” he said.
“If you find yourself afflicted with mucus discharges, we shouldn’t despise them nor diagnose our malady as something not serious or “just an allergy,” taking a chance on infecting others. Under no circumstances should anyone go to a service sick, no matter how minor the ailment may seem, even when it is a home fellowship. Remembering that quarantine is an outgoing act of love, we should follow God’s laws and those given by the State authorities, without question,” he stated.
“In Isaiah 26:20, 21 we are advised to quarantine ourselves till an evil passes: Go, my people, enter your rooms and shut your door behind your doors behind you. Hide yourselves a little while until the wrath has passed. For behold, the LORD is coming out of His dwelling to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity. The earth will reveal her bloodshed and will no longer conceal her slain,” he went on. “But, we are not expected to hide if we are sick; instead, if someone is around, we need to warm them but also seek attention from those in the Medical field. That is part of the principle of this quarantine.”
According to Dr Serwadda, “this viral attack on our country will cease.” “Coupled with good hygiene, COVID 19 has lost its bid, because prayer has never failed!,” he urged.