This video could be just what you need to read your Bible often, if not daily

If I were to ask you to describe the activities of a good Christian, you would no doubt mention actions such as praying and reading the Bible often....

If I were to ask you to describe the activities of a good Christian, you would no doubt mention actions such as praying and reading the Bible often. Of course, often for some people is every day, others several times a week, others read a chapter or two a day.

It is imperative for the growth of every believer to spend time praying and reading the Bible. God provided all of the tools necessary to live a Christian life and to learn about Him.

Going to church and listening to a sermon is a wonderful addition to a life filled with personal Bible study and prayer time.

Just as a person’s body will die without proper nourishment, so will a spiritual life wither without the nourishment that God provides by reading the Bible and having quiet times in prayer with, Him.

What is your bible story? Pick inspiration from this video.

Credit – United Bible Societies

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