Pastor, author and marriage counselor, Cyrus Geoffrey Rod of Dominion Faith Church – Kisaasi, a location within the city of Kampala is today celebrating 14 years of marriage to his wife Robi.
The couple met in person on 14th February 2001 and exchanged their wedding vows on 14th February 2004.
He shared the news on social media today, revealing how he met his wife on Valentine’s day, and immediately vowed to marry her three years later, on the same date.
I had no time, hitting around the bush, he wrote.
“I told her “I love you and I am going to marry you”! Shocked she said, “you don’t even know me and i am not ready for marriage!” I answered, “I am not marrying you today but three years from today!”” he said.
“On 14th February 2004 I walked her down the aisle and I want the world to know that I am just starting a new dimension of a man loving a woman,” he added.
According to Rod, father of two sons and a daughter, marriage is based on love, which is about giving.
He explained through his 14th anniversary remarks issued earlier that whatever one’s heart is sensitive to, is what their mind has been focusing on.
“To be sensitive to your wife is not foreign as long as you keep your mind on her. If you are impatient and unkind, that shows how hard your heart has become because you are focusing on everything but her,”
“Patience is love waiting because it believes there is another opportunity of her becoming better. Kindness is the best way for love to react no matter what she has done. So note this, as a married person, the more you focus on you and what you want, the harder and insensitive your heart becomes towards your spouse and love turns into lust.However, the more you focus on your spouse, the more sensitive your heart becomes and love will flow endlessly,”
Pr Rod is a television and radio personality who has helped to equip couples to succeed in marriage and has also empowered counsel in relationship issues.
He has books “Unlocking Marital Bliss” and “Live life or die trying”.