Books have been written on how to dress for success. The well-cut suit and power tie is standard uniform for business leaders, politicians and anyone who wants to influence people and gain their trust.
How should Christians dress, in and out of Church?
From his message to believers on social media yesterday, Pastor Cyrus Rod says that, you cannot have a sense of worthiness inside you, then use rags in the name of fashion to express yourself.

He points forward celebrity endorsement, a form of brand or advertising campaign that involves a well known person using their fame to help promote a product or service, in this case, ragged/tattered style fashion trends.
“Rags look really bad. Some so called “celebrity” put them on one day, he felt weird but acted as if it was normal, then you too felt it was weird but since he was acting normal then it must be decent to wear rags. You started complimenting him and now you dress in rags thinking decency is weird. Behold how your mind is twisted,” the preacher says
“How can wearing rags fill your need of feeling important and worthy? These rags you call fashion are evidence of the emptiness inside your heart,” he added
UG Christian News sub editor Aaron Sseruyigo shares his opinion saying, we should be asking, “what can I do to bring the most glory to God?”.
“When it comes to the issue of clothing, right attitude alone is capable of cultivating true modesty in us. You can always find ways around the rules but, when you are dealing with attitudes and motives of a heart that are directed and monitored by none other than the Holy Spirit Himself, the externals will take care of themselves,”