Photo: Manuel Balce Ceneta / AP
U.S President Donald Trump has encouraged believers to rejoice in knowing that Jesus Christ rose from the dead, adding that the “tribulations we face” will never have the final word because “the light of Christ will always triumph.”
Trump released an Easter message of hope on 12 April 2020 amidst efforts to contain the alarming levels of spread and severity of COVID-19.
“Although this year’s observance of Easter comes during a somber time for our Nation, we hope all of you are filled with the joy, love, and hope that marks this holiest of days,” said Trump.
First identified in December 2019 in Wuhan, China, there are now more than 550,000 confirmed cases of Covid-19 across the United States, and nearly 23,000 deaths, according to a New York Times database.
President Trump stated that as much as the United States has faced the unique challenges posed by the pandemic during the past weeks, “we have turned to God for guidance, comfort, and hope,” he said.
“Throughout this difficult period, we have witnessed the core tenets of Christianity—love, compassion, and kindness—reflected in the many acts of courage, generosity, and caring of the American people. Our country’s citizens have taken to heart the words of 1 Peter 4:10: “Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms,”” he said.
“Countless Americans have selflessly answered the calls for help in their communities and have performed extraordinary acts to help their neighbors in times of need. Healthcare workers and medical professionals have worked tirelessly to heal the sick, and thousands of volunteers, first responders, critical workers, and businesses have contributed their time and resources to help defeat this virus,” he said.
Adding, “No matter the circumstances, we will always celebrate Easter as a time of rejuvenation, rebirth, and a renewed sense of purpose and faith. The coronavirus will not stop Easter. Even in the darkest hours, God’s abundant love and mercy are unwavering. The light of Christ will always triumph over the trials and tribulations we face because He has defeated death. Today, let us take a little extra time to pray for the strength of our country and our people, and ask that God hold all Americans in the palm of His hand. Together, let us rejoice in knowing that Christ has risen.”