Carnal leadership is all about building systems that can give you control over God’s people. But Spiritual leadership is evidenced by obedience to God.
Jesus wasn’t about how to have control over people but obedience to the Father. No wonder, most believers are “dying” in our churches just like in the world.
They came to find love, but they experience hatred, betrayal, bitterness and hardness of heart, unabated. Why? Carnal leadership! We teach systems instead of the old time Trust and obey.
Better the HolyGhost take the highway than mess our routine that controls people hence mess the financial inflow.
Our systems promote social work instead of the gospel, two opposing ways.
They promote fame but can’t remove the shame. They act life but are void of it. Clouds without rain, and wells void of water; to whom the mist of darkness is reserved forever. 1 Peter 2:17. Question the system and you are branded ignorant, evil and all the like