President Yoweri K Museveni has after joining pilgrims at Our Lady Queen of Peace Kiwamirembe Shrine in Lweza Parish, Wakiso district on Tuesday said “the faithful should pray to Maria, thanking her for the peace and good things” the country has achieved.
He thanked “Jesus Christ, Maria, the Holy Spirit and God” for a visionary government that has aided this development.
Welcomed by Archbishop Cyprian Kizito Lwanga, Mr Museveni had joined the Catholic community in commemorating the Assumption of Mary into Heaven.
“I am here to pray with you to the Virgin Mary and thank her for the peace and all the good things she has done but also to share some of the challenges still remaining.” The president said.
Catholics across the entire world believe that when her earthly life was finished, Mary, mother of Jesus was taken up, body and soul, into Heavenly glory, where the Lord exalted her as Queen of Heaven. (Catechism of the Catholic Church, # 966).
This day, August 15th, was not defined officially until the past century. In 1950, Pope Pius XII made an infallible, ex-cathedra statement in the Apostolic Constitution Munificentissimus Deus officially defining the dogma of the Assumption.
President Museveni further said the faithful should also present problems both personal and as a country to Maria.
Notably, his remarks on believers praying to Mary have ignited debate amongst readers as some explain that the Bible nowhere instructs Christians to pray to anyone other than God.
“Pray to Maria, are you a true Christian, because all I know is there is “The Lord’s prayer,” Our Father…. I haven’t seen anything like Our Mother. That’s a wrong message to the Christians if you encouraging them to do so in Maria.” One reader reacted.
This follows a sect of theologians who urge that the Bible nowhere encourages, or even mentions, believers asking individuals in heaven for their prayers.
“Catholics view Mary and the saints as “intercessors” before God. They believe that a saint, who is glorified in Heaven, has more “direct access” to God than we do. Therefore, if a saint delivers a prayer to God, it is more effective than us praying to God directly. This concept is blatantly unbiblical. Hebrews 4:16 tells us that we, believers here on earth, can “approach the throne of grace with confidence.” The sect stresses.
Elsewhere, President Museveni urged that “Christians and indeed everyone should work hard, just as St. Paul commands that “Those who do not work will not eat.””
Museveni used the occasion to apologize for the insecurity that rocked the Kiwamirembe hill during the 1970s when Tanzanian soldiers came to liberate Uganda from the Idi Amin regime.
“This hill on which this shrine stands was destroyed during the struggle against bad leadership of Amin. I pledge Shs80 million as contribution to redevelopment of this area.” Museveni said.