At the age of 8, Apostle Grace Lugeba attended a gospel crusade within the city suburbs that opened his eyes to behold wonders in God’s word.
Although he was Roman Catholic at that time, the Phaneroo Ministries International vision bearer was moved by the essential message of the gospel to finally receive Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Saviour.
For many believers one of the most difficult and elusive things they ever encounter is determining and pursuing God’s calling for their lives. Others seem to know the path God would have them travel, but hesitate to follow it. And a small minority of others quickly determine the will of God for them and immediately follow it.
For the apostle, ministry begun at the realisation of God being real.
He opened up about his salvation journey during an exclusive interview with Dr. Dennis Sempebwa, host of ‘The Praise’ on Lighthouse Television.
“For me, knowing that Jesus is real begun when I was 8 years of age at a crusade ground. I was playing football with friends, then I head this wonderful preacher talking about Jesus. I was Roman Catholic, I knew there was a God somewhere, and Jesus was mentioned in the equation. To cut the long story short, he led us into a confession prayer,”Apostle Grace Lugeba told Dr. Sempebwa.
It is this encounter that started the minister’s transition into ministry.
“Then, Jesus appears and I see Him, with these eyes and I cannot believe that He is actually real. From then on, I believe that was the beginning of the making of the minister before he transitioned into the ministry,” he narrated.
Apostle Grace Lugeba told the show host there is a place where Christianity has been so superficial, and that out of despair, believers have been forced to assume that God is something, “that He actually Isn’t.”
“Sadly, there are people who are ministering of a God they actually know not, like Jesus told the woman in John 4:22; you worship what you know not. 2 Corinthians 4:4 says; the god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God,” he explained.
God values processes
During the interview, Apostle Lubega explained that majority who walk with the Lord experience same kind of process. While there might be seasons in a believer’s life filled with apparent victory, and seemingly unhindered communion with God, there might also be seasons filled with questioning. He also put great emphasis on “quick fixes.”
“The fact is that every minister has a making. Frustrations come when we show answers without understanding the process, patterns and equations that take us to these answers. Some of these equations have meanderings, twists and turns. They have ups and downs, these are things that prepare us to become ministers. Paul says I want to come and make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, that your eyes will be flooded with light so that you can understand the confident hope he has given to those he called–his holy people who are his rich and glorious inheritance,” Apostle Grace, whose ministry will celebrate 4 years on 11th August, said.
The preacher hinted on false conversions and explained that there is a generation that “wants the results without the process.” He urged that one’s motives for being a follower of Christ must be correct and genuine.
“I think what becomes hard, more so for those who have not been in Egypt – we have kids born in the grace dispensation – by grace we are saved – they think that grace rubs away the equation. They think because grace is available, they are going to land to the answer, no. Paul, the man of grace, said; I laboured, more than all my brethren, yet not I, but the grace of God that was in and with me. He says that the grace that was bestowed upon him was not in vain
“Put grace to use. How? By allowing Grace to labour through you. We are not going to rub away the equation because we are under grace or with the thought that God has done it all. That is why we yield to His working to work through us. Grace does not make us indifferent to the responsibility and the price,” he said.
He said it is important for people to respect and understand divine enablement.
God wants your heart
As God takes one through a given process, Apostle Grace explained, this does not happen just for the sake of it. He noted that during the preparation of a gospel minister God searches our for the heart. He revealed that man should not think for a moment that God will not weigh their heart against His vision.
“Instead of asking; God anoint me, tell him; I’m available. There is a place for available men, committed and faithful – God wants a certain character in you. Will you go back when He says ‘no’? Will you still serve when He frustrates you? Will you still be submitted? If you don’t have this character, what are you going to preach? What you speak during church times is not the ministry, those are the sermons, the true minister is “the spiritual Israel that is communicating as they hear the voice of Jacob.”
“As you are faithful in the little, the Lord trusts you with more. The question is, will a man yield, will he serve, will a man endure?” the Apostle concluded.