“The Bible doesn’t tell us what God looks like — because He is invisible. And the reason we can’t see Him is because he is a spiritual being — that is, He has no body or face or other physical form. That doesn’t mean He isn’t real, because He is,” says evangelical leader Rev. Billy Graham
In a column published in the Kansas City Star on Thursday, the world-renowned evangelical leader and founder of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, explained that God is far greater than anything we can imagine.
He is so great that He created the whole universe,” Graham adds, pointing to Acts 17:24, which describes God as “the Lord of Heaven and Earth.”
Graham goes on to explain that when God sent His son, Jesus, down to Earth, that was His way of taking on a physical form to become visible to us.
“More than 2,000 years ago God did an amazing thing: He came down from Heaven and became a human being! That person was Jesus Christ, who was God in human flesh. I know that may be hard to understand, but it’s true!” Graham exclaims, pointing to Colossians 1:15 which states that Jesus “is the image of the invisible God.”
“Therefore, when we read about Jesus in the pages of the Bible, we discover what God is really like. We discover that He loves us, and He wants us to be part of His family, and go to be with Him in Heaven forever. Most of all, we discover He wants to come into our lives today,” Graham continues.
The evangelical leader cites John 1:12 to conclude His message, which reads: “To those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God.”
Graham wrote in a previous blog post on the “My Answers” portion of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association’s website that the best way to see God is to look at Jesus Christ.
“Where will you find God? By looking at Jesus Christ, because He alone was God in human flesh. In other words, we don’t have to search for God because He has already searched for us! He did this by coming down from Heaven and taking upon Himself our human nature (although without sin),” the Baptist minister explains.
“I invite you to look at Jesus as He is presented in the Gospels of the New Testament. When you do, you’ll discover not only who He is, but also that He wants to come into your life and make you part of His family forever. Open your heart and life to Christ today. Your life will never be the same,” Graham adds.