By Pastor Robert Kayanja
I have noticed over time that before a great move of God with powerful miracles, He usually comes in and sets people apart. Separation is one of God’s greatest wonders. In order for Eve to be formed, there had to be a separation between Adam and his rib. In the creation account, God had to separate the light from the darkness, the water from the dry land and day from night.
The children of Israel were able to go through the Red Sea because God separated its waters. When Jesus called Lazarus forth from death, He caused a separation between Lazarus and the spirit of death. When you think about it, a miracle of healing is nothing more than God causing a separation between an individual and the sickness.
The Bible says that we have been set apart from the world; it is the call of every child of God to be set apart from the world, from religion and from everything that is contrary to Him. This is why Jesus said that while we may be in the world, we are not of the world. We are set apart – separated.
Spiritual forces operate on the earth by the power of separation. Take the age-old example of sin. All it did was cause a separation between man and God and that caused it to dominate the whole world.
If a couple that has been married for 38 years all over sudden decides to separate, that separation could result in a terrible divorce if there is no intervention. Separation creates a gap that could mean the end of everything that had been built over the 38 or more years.
There needs to be in the life of a believer the ability to separate themselves from their present circumstances. What you are going through right now is not the summation of your life. This truth must be so deeply engrained in your being that physical circumstances do not in any way affect you. This is why Paul could say, “I have learned in whichever state I am to be content.”
Paul’s contentment did not result from his surrounding but from a deep knowledge of the promises of God in his life. He was detached from his circumstances and attached to the promises of God.
During the particularly trying time for us and our ministry that we mentioned earlier, we had to apply this truth to our daily walk. We would watch the news and see our name being dragged through the mud in tabloids.
It was not easy, but it was in the midst of all that that the Holy Spirit inspired us to reach out to the nation with the gospel of Jesus through 50 crusades.
In order to obey, we had to learn to separate ourselves from everything that was being said about us in the news. In between court hearings and police summons, we were touching the nation with the love of Jesus. The whole mess was all about us, but it seemed as if we were not even in it. People kept coming to church, people kept giving for the crusades and so much more.
The reason why we can see the beauty of creation today is simply because God separated us from our circumstances. God’s power is shown in separation. His power separates us from the kingdom of darkness.
Extract from Pastor Robert Kayanja’s 7th Book on the Holy Spirit.
Available Here