The Gospel we preach today started with the Jews and the Jews at some point too couldn’t believe that God could speak to other people and nationalities other than themselves!
But it came to a time during the early church in the time of Peter to whom Jesus had left the Church that he too confessed this new found truth. Acts 10:34
Then Peter opened his mouth and said: “In truth I perceive that God shows no partiality. But in every nation whoever fears Him and works righteousness is accepted by Him. (Acts 10:34-35 NKJV)
We must therefore understand that all Ugandans are equal before God and before the Law! So this pre current unfair treatment of various persons whose Justice and human rights have been undermined should stop!
On that note, we cannot stop speaking the truth of which we are made of, when our brothers and sisters are languishing in various Prisons! Many Suffering unfair trials before the law!!!! No way!!!
I as one believe in Justice and Justice for All.
Dr. Kizza Besigye has suffered several levels of Injustice and all forms of brutality in a Nation he loves and has given his life for!
It’s therefore impossible for us to imagine that with such still ongoing Uganda will go back to business as usual! When a dear one of millions of UGANDA is locked up in Prison – unfairly!
It’s very painful that some Ugandans can at such a time call upon Ugandans to overlook what is happening in our country, when elected members are being thrown and are thrown in various prisons! We need to get Real here!
Business cannot continue as usual! There is a cancer here that needs our immediate attention before it eats up the whole ‘WHOLE!’
I call upon the Church to stand out and condemn this Evil Act or we will be condemned by God for having failed to speak for the Truth!
Dr. Happy David Ngabo.