For many, being exposed to a true spiritual father is one of the most refreshing and empowering relationships a Christian can have. True correction is designed to help one grow both spiritually and emotionally however, of late war has erupted among spiritual fathers and sons over conflict of interests.
A once healthy relationship of respect and honor has turned into a nightmare.
Pastor Robert Kayanja has in his 4th book, The Holy Spirit, 77 Days Of Glory Series revealed that spiritual sonship is deeper than we think and the misunderstanding of it has robbed the Church of the true manifestation of the glory of God.
The Channel 44 team leader says Simon Peter did everything Jesus did; he walked on water, caught fish with Jesus, and caught the revelation from the Father that Jesus was the son of God, but Jehovah never publicly announced that he was His beloved son.
The Church has become weak, confused and entertains all kinds of messages for that reason, Pr Kayanja says, later quoting Philippians 2:19-23.
“I believe if Timothy had stood to preach, he would not have deviated from how Paul preached, because the thing about a father is that he literally transfers the spirit upon him onto the son.” He states.
“When Elisha was sick to death and the king came to him and called him ‘my father, my father…’ he arose because he had found a son. By discovering the son, he realized that what God had told him of the destruction of the Assyrians, had drawn near. So when Elisha awoke, he put his hand on the king’s hand as a way of telling him to finish the work. He laid his anointing on him and all the king had to do was to keep on shooting, but he stopped and Elisha withdrew his hand (2 Kings 13:14-16, 17-20)” The father of One son, two daughters explains.
Pr Kayanja believers that true fathers rejoice when they see their sons achieving what they were unable to do, and accomplishing more than they ever dreamed.
He also emphasizes that true fathers do not have what I call the old prophet syndrome, which he says is a spirit that does not wish to see the young generation surpass the older generations’ achievements.
“We see this spirit operational in the life of king Saul when he was provoked to jealousy after he heard the women of the city praising David more than him, after David slew Goliath. As a result, he spent the last thirteen years of his life trying to kill David, who had been anointed king in his stead (1 Samuel 18:6-8).”
“Another instance is of a young man of God who was deliberately misguided by an old prophet in the city of Bethel to disobey the word of the Lord, leading to the young man of God’s premature death. This was after the young man was used mightily, right in the old prophet’s backyard in the days of Jeroboam the son of Nebat. (1 Kings 13:1-33).” Pr Kayanja urges.
In conclusion, he notes that Christians should be careful never to use the name, title or office of father casually because it carries with it power.
By Paul Dennis.