Price Love (Centre), who will headline the inaugural Healing worship session this Saturday with part of the Sinza Worship team. IMAGE COURTESY OF SUBJECT.
The global pandemic and everything it came with has drastically altered most of life as we know it. But the uniqueness of this situation is that we are all facing the same thing together, while being apart.
While Ugandans went through the first wave of the pandemic with relative strength and hope that it would perhaps come to an end soon, the second wave is a lot more challenging. It has caused fear but more significantly, it has stretched our faith. With the second wave, the reality that is COVID-19 has taken a new toll on everyone – even Christians whose faith should be unwavering.
But as houses of prayer remain locked down with some opting for online ministry, a lot of people who had built dependence on edification from the confines of church are feeling even more isolated and lost. While some people are seeking to find God in these dark times, many others are plagued by a sense of helplessness and hopelessness – a sense of God being silent and or even absent.
It is against this backdrop that Sinza Worship was born. Sinza worship is an online platform that draws people to encounter God through worship and shared experiences. According to Felix Kitaka the Vision Bearer, the idea was birthed from his personal experience in dealing with uncertainty.
“In my lowest moments I have always found strength, hope and peace in worship. I must be deliberate about shutting out the noise and turning the focus away from me and what I am dealing with and onto God. When we do this, we are reminded of Gods place, God’s character and God’s promises and find more reasons to give thanks despite what we may be dealing with,” Felix Kitaka says.
He adds that the idea behind Sinza Worship was to create a platform that offers the same opportunity to the nation in the present times. It is important that we developed an attitude of spirit led worship alongside prayer individually and corporately through every season of life. This is premised on the truth of the character of God being consistent in all seasons and the need for us to subject ourselves to the authority of God!
Sinza Worship will officially present its inaugural online thirty (30) minutes worship session dubbed ‘Healing Worship’ under the theme Waali which translates into ‘God is here’ as taken from Isaiah 41:10, this Saturday 31st July 2021 at 8:00pm on the Sinza Worship YouTube channel.
The worship sessions will be led by different worship leaders with the inaugural session headlined by Price Kwagala popularly referred to as Price Love a Ugandan Christian worship leader, singer and songwriter of soul gospel whose expressed mission is ‘’to use her music to bring about change in mind-set and transformation in the world but especially the Christian music industry.’’
According to Price Love, with so much going on around us, it is very easy to forget whose we are and why we are. We are created for worship, created to make his praise glorious.
“Our hope, healing, restoration, freedom is found at the altar of worship. Right there everything else ceases to exist and eyes are on the One who is in control of all of life. I know this without a doubt that we’ll find all we are seeking for in worship of our father. God is not limited. The measure with which we want Him is the measure with which we will receive Him,” Price Love adds.
A time has come, and the time is now for us to lift one voice in worship. As we do so chains shall break, burdens will be lifted, needs met, hearts healed, and the voice of God will instruct His people. We must all be ready to receive what the Father has in store for us – now more than ever!
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Contact: :rukh-shana@audersity.com | +256 772 760 823 |: Web: www.sinzaworship.com