All across the globe, hundreds of thousands of followers of Jesus Christ have entered into an extended period of prayer and fasting. Pastor Ben Ochola, the founder of Make Jesus Famous Global Tabernacle believes that the spiritual practice is fundamental, but must be done with the right motive.
Through Jeremiah 29:13, the preacher discourages half-hearted devotion to God.
“I pray you will give God a hundred percent attention, not half-hearted seeking… Get your heart and focus on Him. This is the time, as the scripture says in Hebrews 12:2 AMP, “[looking away from all that will distract us and] focusing our eyes on Jesus…”
“God said, “You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.” In other words, He said, “if you put the whole of your heart into your seeking, into your praying, into your pursuit, I will appear to you.” God will not reveal himself to half-hearted seekers because He is expensive. Encounters with God are expensive. His appearance is not cheap.
Pastor Ochola believes Christians should resist temptation by turning to Jesus’ example in Matthew 4:1-11, and desist from compromises that endanger them spiritually.
“In this season as you seek God, I pray that you shut [everything else] out. As the english man says, “focus is blind.” Keep your eyes on Jesus. You have tried many things, what have you achieved out of it? Give God a chance by giving Him a hundred percent attention during your pray and fasting time” Pastor Ben Ochola said.
The virtue of Patience
As the year progresses, Pastor Ben Ochola believes that the body of Christ must continue to develop patience by seeking to do God’s will and accepting His timing, trusting that He will fulfill all of His promises to them.
With patience you will bring forth fruit, he says.
“In life one of the virtues you must cultivate, and I pray you do a study in it, is called the virtue of patience. People have aborted destiny, hurt themselves because of lack of patience. Even our father whom the Lord told us to look to, Abraham, because of lack of patience, he brought forth Ishmael. And Ishmael is a problem to the world today. But God does not lie. The one who promised you doesn’t change His mind. He does not die.
You must be someone who is patient. If you hope [for something], do so with patience. Dont ‘cut’ conners. Dont be in a hurry. The bible says in Ecclesiastes 3:11, “He has made everything beautiful in its time…” Why do you want things out of time? Anything that comes out of time, you will not enjoy. It will bring pain in your life,” he says.