Pr Kayanja | The government of God is run by the Holy Spirit, therefore, if a man is not anointed by the Holy Spirit, then it is a waste of time going to him for anything from God. He will not solve your problem. The best he will do is refer you to another man.
The government of God and all its power is delegated in the Holy Spirit; His presence can solve all of your problems. Jesus was on the earth for thirty years, yet we do not see the devil show up to tempt or attack Him.
Demons tried to have Him killed when He was still a baby, but Satan himself never showed up. The moment the devil saw the government of God – the Holy Spirit descend upon Him, he showed up himself.
The real enemy of Satan is not man. On the contrary, he actually wants to work with man because he knows man’s potential. He realizes that we are the image of God, so he thinks that if he woos man over to his side, then he can use man as a bargaining chip with God. The devil cannot build his kingdom nor can he make progress without man.
So the battle is not about us, but the Holy Spirit. Satan’s greatest enemy is the Holy Spirit. In fact Satan came to the garden purposely to distort, kill and destroy what the Holy Spirit had set. He did not have an initial quarrel against man per se, instead he came trailing where the Holy Spirit had gone.
To illustrate this point, when Jesus Christ was conceived in His mother’s womb, the devil did not know it, thus he never attacked Him until the heavenly host music broke out in song. He followed where it was and when he saw the baby Jesus, he entered into Herod and millions of babies died as a result.
Massive destruction by Satan is always his methodology in trying to eliminate one Holy Ghost individual. When he came in the garden he realized that it was the man and the woman who had the Holy Spirit, the breath of God and because iniquity is in him, a direct war started. Initially, he did not even know that man had been created and given authority over planet earth. Remember, he just fell from heaven.
Likewise, though the Hebrews had been in bondage for 430 years, mistreated and denied of their rights, they were not denied their right to worship. They had a high priest and prophetess. They maintained their culture, for you cannot be a Jew, whether slave or free, without keeping your traditions.
However, all of them including their leaders were nominal Jews, none of them were Spirit-filled until one of them (Moses) returned from Mount Sinai with the Holy Ghost. Pharaoh was willing to let them go as long as he kept their property and children, because at that time Egypt was profiteering by keeping them alive instead of killing their babies, as had been the case when Moses was born.
Therefore, Satan only follows, attacks and wages war where the breath of God, the Holy Spirit is. He knows that where the breath of God is, there is God’s construction; His temple, His people, His Church that has been given power not just to fend off hell but to prevail against it.
Extracted from Pr Robert Kayanja’s 4th book, The Holy Spirit, 77 Days Of Glory Series.