Sachi Basaki loves spreading the gospel through worship, and encouraging believers with his personal testimony.
Ahead of his inaugural concert and maiden album launch scheduled for 11th May, 2019 at Miracle Centre Cathedral – Rubaga, the youth worship pastor speaks to Uganda Christian News about life, ministry, and surviving a rocky start in Democratic Republic of Congo.
Who is Basaki?
Basaki is a born-again Christian. I love God. I am the second child in a family of five children (four boys and one girl). My dad, Mr Theophile Basaki being a Pastor, we grew up in the fear of the Lord. He was deeply committed to serving God. I am from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). I came as a refugee to Uganda in 2008 following the war that broke out between Hema and Lendu tribes in the northern part of our country.
We first moved to Bunagana, at town located at the international border between Uganda and DRC in 2003. From here, in 2008, we moved into the interior of Uganda. But of course, all things work together for the good of those who love God. It is only recently that I came to understand that whatever happened during my childhood was the will of God. He was shifting us to the place of our destiny.
When escaping the war in Congo, we were separated from our mom. The war broke out at a time she wasn’t home. When rebels came, everyone had to run away. Our mom found her way to Tanzania, as we later got to find out. We spend over eight (8) years without knowing where she was. We thought she was dead. We lost many people including uncles and other loved ones.
Meeting her again happened about 3 years ago. Our first communication was online. Hearing my music, and later my name, she searched me out on social media and sent me a message.
What was your experience like upon arrival to Uganda?
In the first 18 months, we were out of school, trying to cope up with the new society. We were very young and urgently needed help. We were welcomed by a Congolese Church which was by that time located at Nabagereka Primary School. The lead pastor of the church was once in DRC, he knew our dad. Coming to Uganda, God miraculously connected us to him. We had to go for english lessons at the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God (UCKG) for roughly 9 months. We were only conversant with French, Lingala and Swahili upon arrival to Uganda.
My younger brothers were later enrolled to Nabagereka Primary School, and I Kampala SS. From high school, I went to St. Lawerence University where I pursued a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration. It is Miracle Centre Cathedral that helped me achieve this goal. Throughout those years, God groomed me, trained me, and finally here we are.
That’s amazing Basaki. In other wards, these experiences shaped your faith?
I learnt to depend on God more. We were in a situation where our parents were not doing well. We were in a different community, and for that matter, came to learn that God can bless you in a strange land. We found ourselves in a situation where God is the only father and friend we know. What we went through during the transition helped us grow spiritually. We got closer to God and got to know Him as a friend and father.
Tell me about your musical journey?
I am passionate about music. I believe am gifted. Music is generally in my entire family. I found out a few years ago that my grand father was a musician too. There is a guitar he gave me. By then, I didn’t know how to play it, but he gave it to me anyhow.

There is a time I was home, and realized how much I have fallen in love with worship music. I would sit for about five hours in my room with a guitar, and sing. I always wondered; what is going on? I didn’t know then that God was preparing me for something.
It all begun with my private devotions. They always say; your private devotion always proceeds your public promotion. I started to realize that the more time I spent with God in my closet, he started promoting me publicly.
I heard that you are also a youth worship pastor. Is it true?
Yes. I joined Miracle Centre Cathedral mid 2012. I had a gift that I wanted to grow. One of my friends told me; there is a group called G-way you should join it. I followed his advice.
One Sunday I went to the church, people were many, including the worship team. I wasn’t as fluent at english as I am now. I was terrible. I was not bold too. I was further encouraged by my friend.
I joined G-way. The more I went for practice with the team, Miracle Centre became my Church. G-way gave me a strong foundation in the Word of God. They taught me how to pray, seek God and rely on Him more. I learnt to be patient, and love people while in G-way. The group gave me an opportunity to sing.
There is a day in 2016 when I sung with G-way, and Pastor Robert Kayanja heard me. Later, before he started preaching, he asked for me, saying; where is the young man who was singing with G-way? I came forward, and he told me; from today on wards, you will be the youth worship Pastor.
I never believed it, but of course I had to. I asked guys around me, do you thing he is serious? They said; yes he is. That means you have to do something about it.
When did you start recording music?
My first break out single as an individual was ‘available’ recorded in 2017.
People call me worship pastor, because I lead them into worship. On the other hand, I do worship so it can go out there. I believe God has given me powerful songs. I get some people around who tell me; Basaki I have been blessed by your songs, can you record them so we have them on our phones? So, that is how I begun. I Realized people need them. I didn’t start it for fame or money.
I also record songs for myself. I want to feel what people feel when I am worshiping. I don’t want to be in a position of only pouring out, I also want to record songs so that they can bless me. And it has happened many times. I sometimes go through stuff and when I put on my music, it ministers to me.
I pursue it as a career to, the Bible says your gift shall make room for you. I make sure that it is excellent. My music is about God. I love singing to His heart and ministering to people’s souls.
My other songs include ‘In your presence’, I serve a living God’, ’Our God is good forever’ and ‘Mwamba’, ‘Alingi Nga’ among others.
How do you define worship?
From our man of God, Pr Robert Kayanja and the revival itself, I have come to learn that worship is a sacrifice. People come to church daily, not because they have nothing to do, but because of God. May come because they want to give God more than music itself. People leave their good beds and come spend a night at church because of the love and intimacy they have with God. People are worshipping God with their giving, strength and time.
Why do you think for some, the ‘gospel music’ dream just won’t take off?
I always get time to discuss with fellow artists in Uganda. When God appoints someone else to do your work, that means you are missing something.
If Ugandans are leaving our music to listen to music from Nigeria, Kenya, South Africa, Zambia or USA, it is because we have either drifted away from our place of worship to a place of fame and trend, or are not doing our work excellently.
I think gospel music in Uganda is in danger. But the Bible says God is searching for those who will worship Him in spirit and truth. If I turn the spotlight on me, and care more about what people say than God, am drifting away from my calling.
When we were still in DRC, we used to hear Judith Babirye’s songs without knowing who she is or the meaning of the words. But her music was pushing itself.
I always tell people, there is a spirit behind genuine gospel music that pushes it. God is the one that knows the hearts of people. He knows which person needs to listen to which music, so when you don’t listen to His instruction, you are off.
The christian music industry should work totally different from the secular one. Our music is so spiritual. I always ask guys; how many times have you seen Sinach in Uganda pushing her music? How many times have you seen Ada or Travis Green here? All they do is obey the instruction of God and He takes the music where He wants it.

In gospel music, we don’t ask for deals. I have seen God provide. Just as I talk to you, someone gave me a Benz. I didn’t pay for it. I don’t pay for fuel. Everyday someone takes care of my fuel. Different people, not one. When God has called you, He takes care of every other thing that concerns you. That is the beauty about gospel music.
In Uganda, we are going by the trend, and we think we should do music the way secular people are doing it in order to attract crowds, which is very sad.
Sinach recently came to our church and had some time to talk to us about how they do it. The message she gave us is that they sing the word of God and do what He tells them to do.
When you sing the word of God, it is power. We have gotten out of our place of worship. Some, very few, are in their place of worship. We should not take things for granted. We need to do great videos, good audio sound among others.
Being used of God is the most humbling thing ever. As Gospel music ministers we need to ask God for wisdom. I really believe we all have that ‘humble beginning’ spot where we first heard God speak. It is very good you go back to that place and hear Him afresh.
What are you working on aside music?

I am looking at having a record label of worshippers. We want to raise worshippers coming from different countries. I want to put up an place where people can receive mentorship and know what worship is.
It should be noted, it is the Holy Spirt that teaches us how to worship. We cannot do it on our own.
When is the concert, and what should people expect?
The concert is scheduled for 11th May, 2019 from 5pm at Miracle Centre Cathedral – Rubaga. Free entrance.
I believe it is going to be more than a concert. I believe people are going to have an encounter with God. Personally I am expectant, waiting to see what God is going to do that day.
The world is bleeding, we have turned the spot light on our problems and fears. But Jesus says… ‘If I be lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men unto Me…’ let us go back to our place of worship where it is all about Jesus. I am a living testimony of someone who was once feeling terrible but when I went back to my place of worship, everything started working out.