Born in 1946, Ravi Zacharias spent decades sharing the Gospel. BGEA PHOTO.
World-renowned Christian apologist Ravi Zacharias passed away on May 19 after a short battle with cancer at the age of 74.
RZIM, a Bible-based ministry he founded in 1984 revealed today that the author of more than 30 books on Christianity, was buried on 21 May, 2020 in a casket built by prison inmates, just like evangelist Billy Graham.
Reports show that Ravi had developed a special relationship with Louisiana State Penitentiary, known widely as Angola Prison, following a series of visits to the maximum-security facility currently housing over 5,100 inmates.
He was struck by the faith he saw among the inmates.
“These prisoners know that this world is not their home, and that no coffin could ever be their final destination,” he wrote in his latest book, Seeing Jesus From the East. “Jesus assured us of that. Such is the gospel story.”

Ravi’s visit to Angola Prison was according to RZIM inspired by his friendship with the late Chuck Colson, a leading figure in prison ministry and the man who first urged him to put his Harvard Veritas lectures into the written form that became his second book, ‘Can Man Live Without God?’
Sam Allberry, who officiated Ravi’s funeral service in Georgia, rightly reminded all that this is not the end of Ravi’s story. Hovering over the whole ceremony was the confidence of the words that had saved Ravi’s life 57 years ago: “Because I live, you will also live” (John 14:19).
Sam Allberry, explained that the Christian’s hope is grounded in the assurance of Christ’s life and faithfulness.
Using an analogy fitting of a man who had spent his life spanning the globe, Allberry described the grave as an airport transit lounge visited before one reaches their final destination.
“Our hope,” Allberry said, “is as certain as Jesus’s grave is empty.”
Ravi Zacharias is survived by his wife, Margie, their three children, and five grandchildren.