“Thus says the Holy Ghost, ‘the only place that I have reserved for you is that at my very bosom, where I share my heart with you and you share your heart with mine. That we may be one, that you may be comforted in this; that I am your strength; that I am your great reward. That there is nothing, there is nothing in this world that can overshadow and overwhelm you my child. Because I have shielded you, and I have taken you up and have placed you right in the bosom of my heart,’ says the Spirit of the living God.
‘And I shall cause you to know its comforts therein. And I shall cause you to walk therein. And I shall cause you to see this great fellowship. I shall cause you thereby to see who you really are and your destiny,’ says the Spirit of the living God.
‘And your eyes shall be open to the very intents of my creation,’ says the Spirit of the living God. ‘And you shall see way beyond the eye can see. For you shall see with my eyes and you shall know with my knowledge and you shall have that which is yours. That which is mine is yours,’ says the Spirit of the living God.
And you shall know no other place, you shall know no other experience but that my child, that I reserve for you; right at the center of my heart,’ says the Spirit of the living God.”
‘There are things that I began to shake,’ says the Spirit of the living God, ‘that shall collapse ye even this night,’ says the Spirit of the living God, ‘Your matter shall be brought to a conclusive positive,’ says the Spirit of the living God. ‘The matter that you waited for my child is being brought to a conclusion,’ says the Spirit of the living God.
Prophet Elvis Mbonye
April 11, 2017