Distinguished Christian radio station Power FM 104.1 stated a few weeks earlier into March that they would be spreading the message of Freedom and Hope to inmates of Kigo Prison.
In preparation for the visit, they were joined by the Love family, which includes the station listeners and Watoto Church to raise various commodities that they would present to the inmates.
The country’s 247 jails are estimated to accommodate about 16,000 prisoners. In 2015, it was estimated that nearly 28,000 inmates face inadequacy including food due to lack of funding for prisons by the Ugandan government.
According to the Daily Monitor, The MPs on the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) were given a report, which found that more than 28,000 out of the 45,000 prison inmates are not accommodated.
During the visit this week, Power FM together with gospel artists; Jackie Senyonjo, Robinsan and Holy Keane Amooti were able to interact, preach, testify and celebrate the Love of God with the inmates.
Upon return, the station management took to facebook accountability, appreciating the believers for being a part of the ministry. “We had 34 inmates give their lives to Christ out of the 1790 inmates,” they stated.
Power FM was able to raise in cash UGX 3,558,000/= and items: 150 Kgs of Sugar, 20 litres of Milk (for the infants), 10 boxes of Sanitary towels, 4 dozens of books, 4 Pack of pencils, 500 food bowls (from Nice House of Plastics), 8 pairs of Sandals, 2 boxes of washing soap, 4 cans of Milo (for the infants), 6 boxes of tea bags, 20 litres of Cooking oil, Baby clothes.
They were also able to purchase 5 bags of rice, Sodas (25 packs) and 2 Bulls to put together a special Easter meal for the entire prisons.
Images of the Visit Courtesy of www.facebook.com/Powerfmuganda