Brian says he last saw Agababyona at the ‘Amazing Grace’ Concert that happened on Friday 2nd December, 2016 at Silver Springs Hotel Bugolobi.
The 34-year-old was running a cleaning company in his home town when he discovered in November 2011 that he had Synovial sarcoma; a soft tissue cancer.
According to new publisher Daily Monitor that initially had an interview with him, the deceased came to know about his condition six months after he was involved in a motorcycle accident.
It was a minor injury, from which he seemed to have recovered well.
Two months later, he started to develop a swelling on his injured foot,” The newspaper said. “The swelling was small, painless and seemingly harmless.”
Agababyona however later noticed that the swelling had increased in size. This prompted him to see a doctor.
“After the visit, with assurances from the surgeon that his case was not urgent, he decided to go on with his work since he was not feeling any pain and could walk normally.”
The swelling however increased and began to bother him. He could no longer wear closed shoes.
He returned to Kampala where an operation was done, “the doctor told me he had removed “cheese-like things” which he did not understand. He advised that I take them to a pathologist for testing.” He said.
Results from the test indicated that the tourism graduate had cancer in his foot, and that the surgeon could only see the cuttings of an earlier surgery and nothing else.
“The surgeon told me, he could not make conclusions but told me to be patient and wait for the wound to heal. He told me to see him after two weeks. He said if it was cancer, the wound would not heal,” Said Agababyona to the newspaper.
The wound started to heal and the binding gauze had to be removed, although he could still feel some discomfort. “When I went back, the doctor told me. “Young man, thank God! It seems all the cancerous substances were removed because the wound could not have healed,” He narrated.
However, one month later, at the end of January 2012, he started feeling hot and the area below the ankle started to swell again which forced him to request for a dead semester on his course, since he needed more treatment.
On his return to the cancer institute, Agababyona was told to prepare for an amputation, although the doctors were initially undecided on whether to do some radiation first or to give him some chemotherapy to reduce the swelling before the surgery.
During the treatment process, the swelling opened and the wound started bleeding almost uncontrollably which forced Agababyona to call the doctor.
“It was at this time that he recommended that I seek treatment either in India or United States. However, after consultations, I settled for India and we started mobilizing the resources,” he adds.
This Daily monitor interview concluded that Agababyona had returned from India in November 2012, having successfully overcome the cancer illness and the process of treatment.
It is nevertheless on Monday that Brian Lubega broke the news of Agababyona’s passing to his audience on Social media.
“He was a blessing to me, he carried the presence of God, just meeting him when ever I went to minister was a glorious moment, whenever he saw me he sung ‘Wegukubira.'” Pr Brian Said.
“I can’t pretend that men don’t cry but Mr Agababyona Johnson you made me cry… Don’t know how to say RIP.” He added.