Ministries in Uganda are continuously clashing every passing day. Divisions among believers are also on the increase as one says, “I follow Paul”; another, “I follow Apollos”; another, “I follow Cephas”; still another, “I follow Christ”. This is not new, but should we just watch as such events unfold?
The hatred and bitterness we see today should concern any prayer warrior who knows Jesus prayed that his followers may all be one.
Paul, in 1 Corinthians 1:12 was astounded at the pettiness that divided believers. He said we should not seek to build rival ministries of thought, but build up one church of Jesus Christ.( 1 Corinthians 3:5, 11.)
Pray for our pastors, dear reader, to continue to love God with all their hearts, souls, minds and strength. You might be praying form one of the Churches were these divisions exist, ask God to pour out His wisdom to your leaders so that they may continue to focus on biblical priorities.
I’m writing this article not to point a finger at any ministry or condemn one over the other but to call for prayer. Pray that our Pastors continue to cultivate strong character and uncompromising integrity.
Ask that their testimonies of the Good News ring true to all who hear and their actions be a beacon to all who
see. Pray that our pastors continue strong in their humility, that their authenticity of faith is abundantly apparent to all whom they encounter.
Revival is happening in Uganda, many of you have professed. I believe it to. But as it happens, the enemy is not asleep, he continues to look for every loophole available. As we fire up in anger against others, we are prompted to do a lot that we will regret in the end. Isaiah 59 says; When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him.
Can churches be a place of peace once again, can we let love and life flow from pulpits? This is very possible. Prayer yields results. Can we get radical for change? We need God to intervene, prayer is how we do this. Prayer warriors, when we arise, we are in effect appealing to the Highest Court on behalf of many innocent lives that may not know what is happening already.
Selfish egoism always leads to damaged relationship among Christians. Peter, Paul, Apollos and many more obeyed Jesus in all things. It wasn’t about self fame. They did only what Jesus had appointed them to do, which was to preach His gospel and to build His church in love. We need “Great Commission men”.(Matthew 28:16-20).
Pray for our Pastor’s personal walks with God. Pray that all media (internet related and all others), under Pastoral guidance – may they become a powerful amplifier in their efforts to spread the Gospel. Pray that any ungodly influences of media are rendered ineffectual on them.
Pray that God will bring godly friends and encouragers to the pastors and their families, to
strengthen them for the ministry and provide meaningful fellowship and times of rest. Pray also,
that we as a congregation, because of our love for Christ, provide the help and support our pastors
Pray that our pastors will continue to strive for personal excellence and to believe God for all He
wants to do in the congregation. Ask God to provide for the financial needs of our pastors and their families. Pray that leadership will be wise stewards of both personal finances and church funds.
Do this daily, as the Holy Spirit continues to guide on what to pray for. God is able!