The lead pastor of Namirembe Christian Fellowship Prof. Simeon Kayiwa says, “Many people think of heaven and hell as a fantasy or something in story books, but it is a reality.”
In a video uploaded on the Ministry’s official YouTube channel on Sunday, the pastor urged that he believes both heaven and hell exist because he has been there and back.
“Those that do not believe that there is a heaven, you are mistaken. I have seen heaven more than 15 times,” he said.
“It is not imagined, and it is not hallucination. I’m a doctor of psychology, I know what hallucination is,” he continued.
This is not the first time the chancellor of Kayiwa International University has opened up about the supernatural encounter.
“One day, an angel came at night, about midnight, and entered my whole body to its fullness, and then he came out with me.” “I could not tell what we left behind.”
To hear the rest of this message, click the video below